Death Proof pt.2

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I made my way as fast as I could over the tracks all the way to the Southside. Along the way I bumped into Archie, he was going to do the same thing as I was, warn Jughead and get him out of there. We were hoping Mayor McCoy didn't get to the high school before we did and luckily we were.

"I'm going to text him." Archie pulls out his phone after no luck of finding him in the halls.

A few seconds later we saw him walking out of a classroom. We ran up to him immediately hoping we could quickly convince him to leave. "Jug! Jug!" Archie yelled.

"We've got to go right now." I grabbed his arm.

What the hell are you two doing here?" He nudged me off, "did you come here to throw some salt in the wound?"

I didn't think twice before grabbing the collar of his jacket. "Listen, Jughead. You need to get out of here now!"

"No! I'm not going anywhere with you." He pushed me back again this time way harder.

"Jughead, stop!" Archie raised his voice. "Can we just deal with this later? Mayor McCoy's about to raid Southside High, we've got to get you out of here right now, come on!"

As if on cue, Mayor McCoy and Sheriff Keller along with other cops busted through the doors of the school making their way into the halls and arresting students. Archie grabbed my sleeve as I grabbed Jughead's hand and we made our way out the back doors as fast as we could.

Just as we were about to make it out the door, Jughead called for Toni, the serpent who I argued with at his trailer when we tried to figure out the cipher. He tried his hardest to leave my grip to go grab her but I wasn't going to let him risk it. "You want to save her, Jughead?! Well, you can't do that behind bars, let's go!" I forced him along with me out the door.

He let the doors close behind him before escaping my grip again to look through the window. Toni and other Serpents were being handcuffed. I watched next to Archie as Jughead's face fell. Seeing him act that way for some other girl definitely burned a whole in my heart but I had to stay strong.

"What the hell guys?!" Jughead huffed as we made our way towards the Northside. "Why did Mayor McCoy and Sheriff Keller just raid Southside High and take away all my friends?!"

"All of your friends?!" I turned to him in complete disbelief. "What happened to all of us "Northsiders"."

Jughead stopped in his tracks making Archie and I stop too. "Bella, do you know why we aren't all friends or am I going to have to remind you that you broke up with me, out of nowhere may I add, just because I joined the Serpents! That doesn't sound like you, Bella!"

Hearing those words come from Jughead's mouth took a lot to process. He knows I would tell him everything and he knows who I am, yet I broke his heart because of some request from a stupid guy who wears a hood as disguise. I lowered my head not wanting to look up at him. I feel so bad but I don't know what to do.

"Jughead, it's not her fault." Archie tried defending me but Jughead wasn't having it.

"So then who's fault is it, huh? It's most certainly not mine because I have never done anything to hurt her, it's always Bella who ruins everything in our relationship. First she apparently kisses you in a booth at Pop's and then she breaks up with me because of some lame excuse?" He then turns to me, "God Bella, if you didn't want to be with me this entire time then why put me through all of this?"

Tears threatened to spill through my eyes. Everyone was silent until I finally looked up at the two, mainly at Jughead. "I'm sorry, for everything, Jug. I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for making you commit to a relationship just because of me, and I'm sorry for being a lame excuse of a girlfriend to you."

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