Nighthawks pt.2

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On my way home I was accompanied by my sister and Archie. They both seemed really stressed out so I asked the what happened and I soon found out that Mrs. Grundy died. This sent shivers down my spine. These two events had to be related somehow but why now?

Betty and Archie wanted to talk to my Mom about this to see if she can get any information about Grundy's murder so I decided to join them. Now we were in my living room standing side by side in front of my Mom who was situated on the couch.

"All three of you are somehow in the same room together so I'm assuming this is important?" My Mother pursed her lips receiving a glare from the three of us. She still hasn't put past her what happened that day at the dance for some reason.

Archie sighed before glancing at me, "I think the same person who shot my Dad May have murdered Mrs. Grundy."

"My, my." My Mom tilted her head, "We've come along way since dances at the gym and varsity football tryouts haven't we?"

"You were the first to know anything about Jason's autopsy, Mom. So Archie's wondering if..." Betty started before Mom interrupted.

"If I can get details on Mrs. Grundy's death and see if they line up with the attack on Fred."

I nodded putting a hand on the redhead's shoulder for comfort. "That would be really helpful to put Archie's mind at ease."

There was a moment of silence as Mom debates whether to help Archie or not. "Fine. I'll reach out to my ghoulish friend."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cooper." Archie smiles earning a nod from my Mom.

"Thanks, Betty and Bella."  He turns to Betty and I, "I should go."

My sister and I nod as Archie walks towards the door. "We'll call you, Arch."

The redhead then left our home to go to his leaving the room quiet.

"Spreading ourself a little thin as the patron saint of lost causes aren't we, girls?" Mom sassed earning a look from Betty and I. "Oh, you guys can cross saving Pop's off your list. Haven't you heard? Pop Tate is selling the Chock'lit shoppe."

"What?" Betty questions as both of our eyes widen. "To who?"

"To, and you'll love anonymous buyer. Ring any bells?"

Oh my god. This can't be Hiram again. He just got out of prison and now he's doing this after buying the drive-in. Betty and I turned to each other in disbelief.

"I'm calling Veronica." Betty sighs as she walks up the stairs to head to her room. I follow close behind her to get to my room and just wait patiently to find out what V says to my sister.

- -

Later on in the evening Jughead and I were on our way to the Blossom's house. Trust me if I didn't care about Jughead and his father I wouldn't step foot anywhere near the Blossom's household but Jug said that if any of them can testify on his Dad's behalf then he can get a lesser sentence.

"This is not exactly downsizing is it?" Jughead said as we walked up to the door.

Once he knocked the door opened to it being non other than Cheryl. "Hobo," she glanced at Jughead before looking at me. "Bride of hobo. Welcome to Thistlehouse. Mother's in the conservatory. Follow me."

The two of us walked in and followed Cheryl down a long narrow hallway that led to the room her Mom was in. Her head was all wrapped in a cast minus her front features. Jughead and I sat next to each other as Cheryl situated herself at the head of the table across from her mother.

Jughead wrapped his hand in mine and rested it on his lap. The room was filled with an awkward silence before I decided to speak up. "Thank you for sitting down with us."

"Of course, Bella." Cheryl smiled, "You're family."

I felt a little uncomfortable hearing that especially knowing that I'm a Blossom. I could tell that Penelope was staring dead at me making me feel even more weirded out.

"Okay, the reason we're here..." Jughead started before I finished the rest of his sentence.

"Fp's lawyer thinks that if the family of the victim shows mercy..."

"Mercy?" Mrs. Blossom questioned as she circled the spoon in her teacup. "That's why you're here?"

Jughead and I exchanged glances before he spoke up. "Well, it's an appeal for leniency from you to reduce my Dad's sentence."

"Where was your father's mercy when I spent those countless nights walking the halls of Thornhill in agony, obsessing over what was happening to J.J, imagining the worst? Where was your father's mercy when I slept under the same roof as a cold-blooded killer, night after night?"

"Cheryl," I stopped her rant, "Fp didn't kill Jason. Okay, that was your Dad. You saw the video."

"If it were up to me I'd watch Fp fry in the electric chair." Penelope flared at my boyfriend and I.

Jughead's hand tightened around mine at her words. I could tell this wasn't going to end well if we don't get out of here soon.

"We need this sordid chapter closed forever and Fp is the last loose end to tie up. I will not have a living, breathing reminder of the darkest chapter of my life walking the streets of Riverdale." Cheryl became aggressive.

I shook my head and started digging the nails on the palm of my hand that wasn't in Jughead's grip as I glared at the steaming redhead. "Wow, Cheryl. Have you ever heard of second chances? For god sake Fp did nothing wrong. All he did was tell a lie that your father threatened him to say for the sake of his child's life and you want him to rot in a jail cell? I am disgusted to be related to you and your family. Goodbye."

With that I stormed up off the chair and practically ran out the door Jughead close behind.

"What do we do now that Cheryl has gone full Poison Ivy?" Jughead turned to me as we made our way out of the driveway.

I shrugged, "Blackmail, extortion. Rip her and her Mom apart."

"If they weren't literally an orphan and a widow I would do it." Jughead sighed.

Little did Jug know, I have a little trick up my sleeve. The last thing I said might not happen but the other two was exactly what I was gonna do. I'm going to blackmail that toxic redhead until I get what I want. I just need to find time to do my plan. I may be a Blossom by blood but no matter what, I'm glad to be called a Cooper.


Sorry that this part is short but I've been really busy with online school and stuff so I will make a part 3 to this episode because this part isn't the full other half of it.

Thanks for all of your patience and support, I love you all<3

I made an Instagram account and I'm starting a Bughead au on there so if you want to go check it out my @ is rvd.bugheadnews so please go check it out. Thanks

Peace out✌🏻

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