Episode 1: Breakout

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     After all Skylanders saw the "Skylanders Forever" from Spyro, they began to search for Spyro and haven't found him.

Eruptor: "We search everywhere and haven't found Spyro."

Pop Fizz: "Yeah, looking for him is very hard to find like finding my potion collection."

Just then they about to give up, Stealth Elf appear.

Stealth Elf: "Did you guys find Spyro?"

Eruptor: "No. We haven't found him."

Stealth Elf: "I can't believe it. We haven't found Spyro around Skylanders Academy, just because he left us the message in the sky."

Eruptor: "Well it meant for us to be forever right?"

Pop Fizz: "I think you're right Eruptor. We are all together forever."

Stealth Elf: "That does make sense, but still we need to know why he left us."

Eruptor: I think we will figure it out soon. Cause right now it's time to he's back to the Academy."

Stealth Elf: "You're right, Eruptor."

They all head back to Skylanders Academy. As they all headed back to the Academy, Jet-Vac was waiting for them.

Jet-Vac: "Did you guys find Spyro?"

Stealth Elf: "Not really, sorry, Jet-Vac."

Jet-Vac: "It's okay that you three didn't find Spyro. In the meantime, pop quiz."

Eruptor: "Man. I forgot about the pop quiz."

Stealth Elf: "Don't worry Eruptor, I'm pretty sure you can pass the quiz. Nothing's gonna happen."


Meanwhile at the Cloudcracker Prison, Kaos is trying to create a plan to get revenge on his mother and father for knowing that Master Eons reveals himself as a father to him and Glumshanks is enjoying his time with his other clone Glumshanks.

Kaos: "Glumshanks, I need something that can make me focus for my evil plan to get my revenge."

Glumshanks: "Yes, Lord Kaos."

Glumshanks soon begin to help Kaos to focus his plan. And soon Kaos finally has a plan.

Kaos: "I finally have a plan, Glumshanks. All we have to do is go back to the Lost Island of Arkus and find another Conquertron to activate and finally get rid of these skyloser, destroy the Core of Light, and become the king of the Skylands. Ha, ha, ha, haa!"

Glumshanks:" That's a great idea and how do we get out of the prison.

Kaos: "Oh don't worry Glumshank. I always prepare an escape plan all the time.

Kaos shows Glumshanks the escape plan that they are going to do tonight.

Far away from the Skylands, Spyro has traveled very far to find his ancestor through another world. Cause Master Eon knows where his ancestors are. Spyro was thinking that his ancestors might still have darkness inside them when Eon sent them to another realm. He was very nervous, they could still be evil like he was.

Spyro: "I just sure hope they're not very evil to me."

Master Eon: "Do not worry Spyro. I'm sure they will like to see you."

Spyro: "Yeah, but I got a feeling about meeting my ancestor who hasn't seen me for years."

Master Eon: "Indeed Spyro. But years may never have taken for them to exist in another realm. And they will see you when you show them who you really are. Trust me."

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