Episode 2: I am Overtron

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Kaos and Glumshanks froze as they stared at the sphere that was actually a brain core.

Overtron: "I can't believe I am alive and well as my people."

Kaos: "Uh, what people?"

Overtron: "My people. That helped me to succeed the Skylands. Do you know them?"

Kaos: "Well I don't know what people are you talking about?"

Overtron: "What?"

Kaos: "I mean you did ask about your people and I don't know what your people look like."

Overtron: "You mean, you don't know what my people look like?"

Glumshank: "Th-that what Lord Kaos said. We don't know who they are or what they look like."

Overtron: "Something is wrong. I must connect to all the Skylands."

Kaos: "Wait? You can do that?"

Overtron: "Yes. I am Cyber-Supreme Artificial Intelligent. Have you ever heard of me?"

Kaos and Glumshanks: "No."

Overtron was confused. He begins his connection to all over Skylands to find an answer. He searched through the web and tried to find information about himself.

Overtron: "Where is it? Where's the information?"

Glumshank: "What information?"

Overtron: "The information about me. Where's my people?"

Kaos and Glumshank were confused. They don't know what he was searching for. Overtron searched through everything and found something interesting.

Overtron: "What is this?" As he searched through the information he found.

Showing the hero's of Skylands that protect with peace and justice.

Overtron: "Skylanders? They're the protector of Skylands?"

Kaos: "Skylanders, bleh. They are so annoying. They always stop me every single time when I try to rule Skylands."

Overtron is still searching through Skylanders profile. He researches more and more and he won't stop.

Overtron: "This can't be happening."

Glumshank: "What can't be happening?"

Overtron search everything and can't stop.

Overtron: "I was.... I was.......... forgotten."

Overtron stopped and then he began to return back to his mind.

Overtron: "I was forgotten. Nothing about me and my people. And the Skylanders. They're not following orders. They're not doing anything. They're just like the others. Wars keep going. Chaos keeps rising. And my people weren't there to protect. We have become...... extinction."

Kaos and Glumshank begin to worry about what Overtron has searched through.

Overtron: "And you. You're causing war on Skylands."

Kaos: "W-w-wait. I'm only just trying to-"

Overtron: "But your progress has very inspired me. And made me very convinced."

Kaos: "Really?"

Overtron: "Yes. I had searched through everything. You only caused little war and that wasn't enough. Which means your level is a 43 percent threat."

Kaos: "43 percent?! That's my threat?!"

Overtron: "Yes."

Glumshank: "Wow. This machine is smart."

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