Episode 11: A Tale of two Dragons

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     The Cyber-Empire were collecting metals and welding it to the warship. Villa and Blade-Tis were sharpening their weapons. Targer and Two-Eye are preparing their weapons. The Doom Raiders are commanding the Cyber-Warriors to move fast. Kaos and Glumshanks were contacting the villains over Skylands.

Kaos: "My Supreme Intelligent, why do we need to contact all the villains?"

Overtron: "Cause, it's time to make things better. Changing their appearance into something more valuable than being a destruction against Skylands. Even after that, the world will change as I show everyone that I am always right. My correction will flow through everywhere. Creating my body, harvest the Core of Light, and bring the Skylands to peace with no war."

Glumshank: "And what will you do when you capture Spyro?"

Overtron: "I will drain every power he has from his predecessor and I will soon walk in the real world as the new dragon."

While they were talking, the Cyber-Drone returned to Overtron. He looks at it as it was damaged and flickering.

Overtron: "Oh my perfect child. You are broken and fail to me that you lost them again."

The drone nodded.

Overtron: "Well let me repair you and make something that can help my base be better."

The Cyber-Drone as Overtron takes control of the mechanical arms and begins to repair and make some adjustments. He then removed the chips from its head and replaced it with a new chip. As he was done, the Cyber-Drone was no longer a fighter but a cleaner.

Overtron: "Now then, you will clean this place and make it nice. Use your sensor to detect dirty scratches around this base."

Cyber-Drone Cleaner understood and went to work.

Kaos and Glumshanks watch as the drone cleans the ground. And Overtron looks at them.

Overtron: "Back to work, I don't want any mistakes around here."

And Kaos and Glumshanks went back to work.


     Jet-Vac, Stealth, Eruptor, and Pop arrived at the Enchanted Forest.

Eruptor: "So is this what the Ancient Woods were looking for?"

Stealth Elf: "Master Eon says that It is a magical woodland inhabited and powered by Fairies, with many strange wonders such as living trees and bioluminescent rooms inside mushrooms."

Jet-Vac: "Then let's find this magical woodland."

They walked through the forest for one hour and found nothing.

Pop Fizz: "My feet are getting tired. Can I rest for a bit?"

Stealth Elf: "No Pop, we have to find the Ancient Woods in order to meet Persephone." As she lifted Pop Fizz. "She is the only fairies who can help us know where this scale comes from."

They kept walking and stopping.

Eruptor: "I'm getting tired." As he bent his knee. "Let's take a break for a minute."

They all took a break and Jet-Vac began to ask Elf a question.

Jet-Vac: "Can I talk to you over there?" As he pointed.

Stealth Elf and Jet-Vac went far from Eruptor and Pop Fizz.

Jet-Vac: "I need to talk to you. About Spyro and Cynder."

Elf knows what Jet-Vac was talking about. She has to make sure Jet-Vac doesn't know about their secret.

Stealth Elf: "What about them?" As she was trying to not know about them. "Is there something about them?"

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