Episode 5: Ruler are Rules

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     The Cyber-Warriors were collecting metals and dumping them into the lava. Causing Metals to melt. Then pouring into the forge armor. And the machine arms grabs the armor plate and places it onto the Cyber-Warriors chest. The Cyber-Warriors are in order being built to life.

Kaos: "Just look at this Glumshanks. This is much better than having some army. This is what we call an army."

Glumshanks: "Yeah Kaos, so many troops to control."

Kaos: "Soon Skylands will bow down to the Cyber-Supreme A.I and the Skylanders will never see us coming. We will rule forever. Mwha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaa!"

Overtron: "Yes. And that laugh is more wasting your time."

Kaos turns around and sees Overtron looking at him.

Kaos: "Sorry, I was just preparing my speech."

Overtron: "Well you can save that speech later. Right now, we have important jobs to do."

Kaos: "Yes, my Cyber-Supreme A.I." As he and Glumshanks walk away.

Overtron: "At least his progress is doing well.

Then Overtron went back to his own mind to research Skylands files.


Sprocket is trying to fix the Cyber-Warrior to get more info. But it's still dead.

Sprocket: "This machine never turns on. It's like I have been fixing this like two days. And thanks for volunteering."

Wind-Up: "Totally, I always wanted to fix something. And besides, this guy is more like a statue."

Sprocket: "Well a statue is a stone or someone holding still. And this." As she rewired the circuit. "This machine is a lot harder than I thought.

Then she opened the half of the head.

Sprocket: "Okay, I wanted for you to rewire the blue and red wires."

Wind-Up: "Okay." As he tries to rewire the circuit. "So which one goes first?"

Sprocket: "The blue wires go first and connect it to the red wires."

Hugo then connects the wires to the other wires.

Wind-Up: "Okay, it should be good."

Sprocket: "Like that was fast."

Wind-Up: "Hey, I'm good at wiring stuff."

Sprocket then uses her ranch to zap the Cyber-Warrior's body. Then nothing happened.

Wind-Up: "Is this suppose to-"

Then the body flew to the wall and flew straight up to the skies.

Sprocket: "Wind-Up, did you rewire the blue wires or the red wires?"

Wind-Up: "Well um the red wires."

Sprocket: "Huh." As she shakes her head. "Come on, let's get that machine."

Back with the Skylanders, Jet-Vac is giving teaching lessons to the Cadets. Stealth Elf is focusing on her work, but focusing on Cynder. She wasn't paying attention to Jet-Vac.

Jet-Vac: "Okay now, turn page 45 on your-"

Then interrupted by the dead Cyber-Warrior that crashes into the ground. All the Cadets stand up and look at it. Sprocket and Wind-Up made it but too late for that.

Jet-Vac: "Sprocket."

Sprocket: "Sorry Jet-Vac, We're trying to get it to work."

Jet-Vac: "Well just do it somewhere safe. You just interrupted the class."

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