Episode 13: Plan or Escape

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     Cynder was getting frustrated to get out of the underwater cell. She kept hitting the wall and she won't stop until they're free.

Blades: "Cynder, is not gonna work." While looking sad.

Cynder: "Yes it is." While hitting the wall. "I'm not letting Overtron take his power."

Whirlwind: "Give up, we're trapped here. There's no way out."

Cynder: "I'm.... not.... giving.... UP!" As she hit the wall very hard and stopped.

She gave everything she got to break free but she doesn't have the strength to do it.

Blades: "It's over. He got what he wanted."

Cynder looks at Whirlwind and Blades.

Cynder: "Why are you guys not helping me? It's our only chance to escape."

Whirlwind: "But there's no way out. We're trapped underwater and we can't break free from these collars." As she tries to get it off.

Blades: "Beat it, we lost."

Cynder notices that Blades and Whirlwind are giving up.

Cynder: "Don't just give up, we have to break free. I know you guys don't know what to do."

Blades: "Cause we never make a plan. Only our father can make a plan."

Cynder: "So you let your father make a plan and you guys follow his plan?"

Whirlwind: "Well we can't think of a plan, only he can. Without him, we can never escape this cell."

Cynder doesn't like it when they don't have a plan.

Cynder: "Listen, I know you guys don't have a plan, but what if Expo wanted you guys to make a plan."

Blades: "Why?"

Cynder: "Because if he wasn't here, then he made you guys make a plan."

Blades: "But we can't think of anything?"

Cynder: "Well you can, just look around and think of an idea from your head."

Blade and Whirlwind think through their head and try to think of something.

Whirlwind: "I got nothing."

Blades: "Me too."

Cynder: "Come one guys, if Expo can do it, then you guys can. Use your mind to think of something about this cell."

Blades and Whirlwind think through their mind, they keep thinking and remembering something.

Blades and Whirlwind: "I got an idea." As they look at each other.

They pull out their device button.

Cynder: "What's that?"

Blades: "It's an alert device. Our dad gave it to us in case we get lost or in trouble."

Whirlwind: "This might work. Once we press it, our father will come straight to us and save us."

As they pressed the alert button, the device started to beep bright red. And they waited for Expo to come find them. Cynder was confused.

Cynder: "Is he gonna-?"

Then their cell started to move. They were moving back and forward until everything stopped. And then the sparks appeared from the door and it started to cut. The door fell backwards and Expo was there.

Blades and Whirlwind: "Dad!" As they cried and hugged him.

Expo: "It's okay, I sense your alert somewhere in the ocean. Good thing I found you." Then he looked at Cynder and looked around. "Where's Spyro?"

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