Episode 10: Swap Away

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The Mabu were cleaning their village from their own town.

Gary: "It's not my fault that we summit this to clean this place."

Claire: "You should have read the full script first before we sign it."

Gary: "I didn't know we were gonna do this."

Claire: "Maybe you should have paid attention, Gary."

Gary: "Okay fine, but nothing is gonna happen to us. Besides, these machines won't be on forever. What could possibly go wrong?"

Just as they were busy cleaning up the mess, Targer shows up and shoots his blaster at everyone and then tosses a power cell to dead Cyber-Warriors. Every Mabu ran away except Gary and Claire.

Claire: "Wow, Gary. Looks like these new villains just brought all these machines back to life."

Gary: "Well don't blame me for this mess, Claire."

All the Cyber-Warriors got up from the ground and stared at Targer.

Targer: "My people, the Cyber-Supreme Intelligent has returned. We must rise to take back what ours." As he raises his right arm high and left hand to the chest. "Long live Cyber-Empire."

All Cyber-Warriors: "Long live Cyber-Empire!" As they saluted and flew away to follow Targer.

And Gary and Claire are still standing there arguing.

Claire: "And that's why we don't sign up for this."


At the Training Islands, Stealth Elf was training the Cadets and Skylanders.

Wind-Up: "Do we have to keep training until we get better?" As he was tired.

Stealth Elf: "Yes. As long as we keep training, the better we can beat the Upgraders."

Hex: "But they're just machines. There is no way they can't have power."

Stealth Elf: "They do now, thanks to the stranger."

Skull: "You mean, the scaly person with dark magic."

Stealth Elf: "We don't know who this mysterious person is. Besides, Jet-Vac and the others are trying to help Eon and Kassondra."

Roller Brawl: "Why can't we just attack the Cyber-Empire right now?"

Eruptor: "Cause we need to know who this stranger is."

Stealth Elf: "And Spyro is giving us time to be prepared and figuring out the identity of this stranger."

Roller Brawl: "We'll there's only one person that is missing for this group."

Eruptor: "You mean, Cynder?"

Roller Brawl: "Yeah, she haven't came back to train with us."

Stealth Elf: "That's because Eon let Cynder to protect Spyro. It's her decision."

Roller Brawl think.

Roller Brawl: "You know, there's something about Spyro and Cynder. If they went somewhere together, they might do something together."

They all look at Roller Brawl.

Roller Brawl: "What? I'm just saying."

Eruptor: "Well that's true. Cynder did look at Spyro and he was looking at her."

Stealth Elf: "I'm pretty sure there is nothing between them. Besides, we need to get training so go." As she starts the training.

     Meanwhile, at the Skylanders Academy's Grand Library, Jet-Vac and Hugo we're researching about the scale.

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