Episode 4: Hidden Truth

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     With the Doom Raiders, they all went inside the laboratory to see Overtron.

Kaos: "All right so I wanted you to know that he's a very intelligent machine. And he knows everything and even all of you, me, and Skylanders."

Pepper Jack: "Of course Kaos. You remind us like the fifth time."

Kaos: "Well you should understand about Overtron. Even though he doesn't like anyone disturbing the peace.

Golden Queen: "And why doesn't he like anyone to disturb peace?"

Overtron: "Cause peace must be safe."

All the Doom Raiders and Kaos look in front of the strange machine.

Overtron: "Peace is like a beautiful world with no wars or destruction. That's what it means. No one understands peace, but I do."

Golden Queen: "So you're the Overtron that Kaos was trying to tell us."

Overtron: "Yes indeed, Golden Queen." As he turns around in his mini-form. With a long body, six legs, two arms, and one eye. "It's good to finally meet you."

Dr. Krankcase: "Well this place looks amazing. Everything in here is better than my lab."

Overtron: "Yes Dr. Krankcase. You use stink weapons to use it for your tech. But I use tech to build my people. I control anything I see. Even getting you Doom Raiders out of that prison."

Gulper: "If you can control anything, can you get me a soda?"

Golden Queen: "Gulper! Now not the time for getting soda. We are here for Overtron."

Gulper: "But I only need soda."

Overtron: "Well get you a soda. In the meantime, I have declared you Doom Raiders as my new general."

All the Doom Raiders were shocked.

Wolfgang: "New general? Does that mean we get to control your people?"

Overtron: "Yes."

Dreamcatcher: "Hah. I guess we can have fun for these machines."

Overtron: "And one rules for you Doom Raiders. No using them for causing evilness."

They all felt silent.

Wolfgang: "What? No using them for evilness?"

Overtron: "If someone uses them to cause destruction, then I will exterminate all of you and see who it is."

They all looked at each other.

Pepper Jack: "Okay, so what do we do?"

Overtron: "Alrighty then, we shall begin for my most wanted enemies."

Chompy Mage: "Oh I know the answer." As he lifted his Chompy puppet. "Yes, it's the Skylanders."

Dreamcatcher: "Yes, those Skylanders."

Overtron: "No, not Skylanders."

They all looked at Overtron.

Overtron: "The Sensei, King Pen."


The Skylanders are preparing themselves against Overtron and the Doom Raiders. After all, they don't know what Overtron is using them for.

Kassondra: "We all prepare for anything that Overtron and the Doom Raiders had. All of you Skylanders must stay in one skylands to protect the mabu from Cyber-Warriors if they start harming people."

Hugo: "And what if there's a villain who tries to attack them?"

Kassondra: "Overtron programmed them to follow his rules. So we need to make sure he doesn't hurt those villains. Don't know what he'll do to the other Doom Raiders."

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