Episode 8: Shut it All Down

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     Everything was quiet. No mabu around, no Skylanders around, and even no threats. Everything was quiet. Except one mabu was trying to get a drink from the vending machine but got caught by the Cyber-Drone.

Mabu: "Wait! I only want a drink. Please, I need something to drink."

Cyber-Drone: "You must ask permission to buy a drink first."

Mabu: "Yes. I really want a drink." As he begged.

Cyber-Drone: "Your permission has been accepted. You will take your drink. Only water."

The mabu understood and took the drink with him. The Cyber-Drone flew to the skies and regrouped with the other Cyber-Drone.

Cyber-Drone: "No sign of Skylanders or threats. Returning to base."

They flew back to the Lost Island of Arkus and all Cyber-Empire were building a bigger base for Overtron. They enter and start getting repairs for their search. And the Doom Raiders were relaxing on their own stuff. Wolfgang was playing his boneharps, Dreamcatcher is getting a hairdo by the Cyber-Warriors, Pepper Jack is cooking his soup, Gulper finally got to drink more soda, Chompy Mage feeding his Chompies, and Golden Queen has a bunch of golds she ever wanted.

Golden Queen: "Now this is how you rule over Skylands with golds."

Wolfgang: "With no Skylanders trying to stop us, we can get whatever we wanted."

Pepper Jack: "Exactly." As he tastes his soup. "Much more delicious."

Chompy Mage: "And my Chompy are very happy here." As he kept feeding Chompies.

Dreamcatcher: "Mind you guys keep it down. My Cyber-Warrior is busy and you guys keep making noises."

Gulper: "You mean, my Cyber-Warriors." As he kept drinking soda.

Golden Queen: "What makes you think it's your Cyber-Warriors?"

Gulper: "Cause I get to control these warriors to find me more soda. So I won't get thirsty."

Gulper began to drink his soda, just as Golden Queen turned his soda into gold.

Gulper: "Hey! I was going to drink that!"

Golden Queen: "Loose some diet, fat slug."

Gulper then got angry.

Gulper: "Why you-"

As he tries to attack her, Overtron's face appears right in front of them.

Overtron: "SILENCE!!"

They all stop and look at Overtron.

Overtron: "Report to the meeting table, immediately!" As he turned off his face.

Dreamcatcher: "Well, I guess we have a meeting."

They all went to the meeting and saw Overtron, Kaos, Glumshank, and Dr. Krankcase sitting. They all sat and discussed their meeting.

Golden Queen: "So what are we here for?"

Overtron: "We're here searching for these Skylanders. And none of you search for them."

Wolfgang: "Well it's pretty boring, cause there's nothing to do."

Overtron: "What kind of boring things do you hate?"

Pepper Jack: "Well, searching for the Skylanders, Looking around the island, and pretty bored if there's nothing to do."

Overtron then slammed his fist on the table.

Overtron: "You Doom Raiders, must search for these Skylanders. There the only target we must finish our objectives. I don't want to wait around until the Skylanders found a way to destroy me. If you all fail me, then you will never become my general forever! Understand?!"

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