Episode 7: Welcome to Cyber-Empire

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     Spyro and Master Eon have arrived at the vortex. Spyro was sad that he had to leave his home to save his friends.

Master Eon: "I know that face." As he looks at Spyro. "Leaving your real home is a hard choice."

Spyro: "Yeah, and my real home meant a lot to me. But my real home is Skylands. Where I was born and founded by you."

Master Eon nodded.

Master Eon: "Well, it's time to leave and return home."

They approach the vortex and enter. And soon, they return to Skylands.

Spyro: "Well, we're back home. It's good to see floating islands again."

Master Eon: "And to see a beautiful night out here."

Spyro: "At least we're heading back to the Skylanders Academy."

They flew to the skies and looked around the Skylands. It was quiet. No Mubu's around talking or enjoying the night.

Spyro: "This place is quiet." As he looked around. "Too quiet."

Then Master Eon stops. Spyro then notices Master Eon stop.

Spyro: "Master Eon-"

Master Eon: "Shhh." As he pauses Spyro.

Then they heard a strange noise coming from the other side of the island.

Master Eon: "Quick, hide!"

They both hid somewhere on the island. Something flew above them and looked around the Skylands. Spyro took a peek and saw two Cyber-Warriors looking around.

First Cyber-Warrior: "Negative. No sign of life form. Are you sure you spotted two strangers?"

Second Cyber-Warrior: "Yes. I saw them here. It was a dragon and a spirit man floating around the Skylands."

First Cyber-Warrior: "Well, it's gone now. We must report to the Commander. He will contact our Cyber-Supreme A.I. He will know what to do."

They flew back to their own post. Spyro was confused. He did not know who this Cyber-Supreme A.I.

Spyro: "Cyber-Supreme A.I? What is that supposed to mean?"

Eon thought about this Cyber-Supreme A.I. Then he knows who this Supreme A.I.

Master Eon: "Oh no." As he looked at Spyro. "Spyro, this Supreme A.I is one of the most dangerous machines you never face long before your ancestors."

Spyro was indeed shocked.


Meanwhile, the Skylanders were chained to the rock still wearing the inhibitor collar.

Eruptor: "Grrrrr." As he tries to break the collar off. "These collars are a lot harder than I thought."

Sprocket: "We can't break free from these collars, Eruptor. Besides, we don't have our power anymore."

They all felt silent and did nothing.

Stealth Elf: "We can't just sit around here being prison, we need to get out."

Pop Fizz: "And how are we going to get out? It's like we don't even have our weapon with us."

Jet-Vac: "Pop is right. Our weapons are now taken by these Cyber-Warriors."

As they look at the Cyber-Warriors storing their weapons.

Wind-Up: "Is there a plan to save Skylands?"

Sprocket: "Not really anymore."

Bad Breath: "Well good thing I won't have to burp my stinky breath around."

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