Episode 3: Soul are Metal

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Spyro backed away and looked at Ignitus.

Spyro: "Did you call me your son?"

Ignitus: "Yes. I finally see you have grown bigger than I expected."

Spyro: "But how?"

Ignitus: "Well let me explain. Every year, I looked through the pool of vision to see you in Skylands."

Soon, Spyro was surprised.

Spyro: "You know about Skylands?"

Ignitus: "Yes. I have the abilities to see through the future and present."

Spyro can't believe his father was watching him in Skylands this whole time.

Spyro: "Wait. If you were watching me, why didn't you come back to Skylands if you weren't even... well....."

Then Ignitus knows.

Ignitus: "Well ever since the Great War in the Skylands with Master Eon, we weren't the only dragon that was controlled by the darkness. We survive before Strykore devours our light. When Master Eon opens the rift to send the dark dragon into another realm, we follow through the portal and end up in this world. We managed to stop the dark dragons and protect the realm for the cheetah and moles. We live here and our legacy grows for many years. This was our new home for now."

Master Eon: "So that explains why you didn't come to see your son for a year."

Then Ignitus nodded.

Ignitus: "Yes. I thought I lost my son in Skylands. And now here you are my son. I have waited all those years."

Spyro tears dropped and began to cry. He went to his dad and hugged him.

Spyro: "I finally get to see you.... Dad."

Ignitus: "And I finally get to see you too, my son."

And then Spyro thought about something.

Spyro: "Wait, what about my mother? Is she here too?"

Ignitus made a sad expression.

Ignitus: "She is not here."

Spyro reacts to what he says.

Spyro: "What? Why?"

Ignitus: "During the Great War, your mother did everything she could to protect you against the dark dragons that were sent here to capture you when you were an egg. She told me to take you somewhere safe from them and I did. Took you to the forest where you'll be safe from them. And I went back to save her, but....... I was late. She was killed by a dark sorcerer. I could have saved her if I had a chance. I'm sorry."

Spyro was now sad that his mother died.

As Ignitus and Spyro were together, Master Eon was thinking about them. Reminding Spyro as his son Kaos. He thought about it. Like having his son standing right beside him hugging him.

Spyro looked back at Master Eon who looked a little sad.

Spyro: "Master Eon, are you okay?"

Master Eon lifts his head up.

Master Eon: "What? Um. I mean, yes Spyro. I'm okay."

Ignitus: "Well at least we're all together. Why don't I show you around this temple."

Spyro: "That's a great idea dad." With a smile.


     Meanwhile at the Skylanders Academy, Jet-Vac, Stealth Elf, Pop Fizz, Eruptor, Sprocket, and Hugo we're figuring out why Overtron says that they were not protectors of Skylands.

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