Episode 14: War for Overtron

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     Every Tech is being controlled by Overtron. Every Cyber-Empire begins to appear around Skylands and all the mabu was very confused about what the Cyber-Warriors were trying to do.

Cyber-Warriors: "Please return to your home! This is authorized to the Cyber-Empire! Please return to your home! This is authorized to the Cyber-Empire!"

Mabu: "What do you mean it's authorized? What's going on?"

Cyber-Commander: "We have orders from Cyber-Supreme A.I. You must stay indoors until our mission is complete."

Mabu: "What mission?"

Cyber-Commander: "You have no answer to that question. Now stay indoors."

The mabu was trying to get past them but the commander pushed him to the ground.

Cyber-Commander: "I told you to stay indoors. We are here to protect."

Everyone was confused and some were angry. They throw rocks at the Cyber-Warriors for not letting them go. The cyber-commander began to report to their master.

Cyber-Commander: "My Supreme Artificial Intelligent, the mabu are very angry, what should we do?"

Overtron: "If they don't listen, then show fear to them."


     The Skylanders were on the Dread Yacht to find the coordinates to the Cyber-Warship. And then Stealth Elf asked Expo.

Stealth Elf: "See anything?"

Expo: "No, but my location points me to them, they are coming towards us."

Stealth Elf: "Then we take them out by surprise."

Expo: "Negative, taking them out by surprise could activate the cyber-warship's weapon protocol. If my calculation is correct, we must not surprise them but only have a negotiation with them."

And then Stealth was shocked.

Stealth Elf: "Are you saying we're going to negotiate with Overtron?"

Expo: "Well if he agreed, then we have a chance to free Spyro and shut down his mothership. If he doesn't agree..."

Stealth Elf: "Then we have to fight our way in."

Expo: "Precisely." As he nodded.

Stealth returns to the other Skylanders and cadets who were talking and waiting. Jet-Vac was leading Flynn to the Cyber-Warship.

Flynn: "So does that machine know where they are?"

Jet-Vac: "He did. He says that he planted a tracker device on Cynder so it can lead us to them."

Cali: "Since all the Cyber-Warriors are turned on, things began to be a lot worse."

Master Eon: "Very worst, that's why I contact Buzz and Snapshot to protect the mabu before the Cyber-Warriors hurt them."

Jet-Vac: "And how many can they fight those Cyber-Warriors if they can't take them out one by one?"

Master Eon: "I do not know, but I'm pretty sure they can fight more than one Cyber-Warriors."

Kassondra: "And thanks to Kaos, now we finally know where they're heading and he finally began to change his appearance."

Master Eon: "And get our son back."

Eruptor: "Yeah and speaking getting back.." As he looked around. "Is this the right way, because we've been going straight for like two hours and forty-five minutes."

Sprocket: "Expo knows the way. And with him on our side, we can find Overtron and his Cyber-Empire."

Bad Breath: "And what if he betrays us?"

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