Episode 6: Rise of the Cyber-Empire

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     It has been six days since Spyro has trained and still hasn't unlocked his true power.

Spyro: "Man, I thought unlocking my powers wouldn't be that hard."

Ignitus: "Unlocking the Aether takes difficult time. But it's an easier way for you to understand your courage."

Spyro: "I have trained from Skylanders Academy like a lot and I always never fail. Well I did kinda fail for being late for the graduation. But when I defeated Kaos, I finally became the Skylanders."

Ignitus then smiles.

Ignitus: "You do have a heart, Spyro. And that heart is something important."

Spyro: "Like what?"

Ignitus: "For finding what your life was. With your friends."

Spyro: "Yeah." And Spyro looked at the ground. "I still kinda miss them. If they were here, they could get to see this place."

Ignitus pat his son.

Ignitus: "They will, son. They will get to see the Dragon realm. And you did meet new friends in Avalar."

Spyro: "Your right, dad. They will get to see this place. And I did meet new friends here." As he smiles.

Ignitus: "Indeed. But for now, your training will begin tomorrow. Hope you wouldn't be late."

Then Spyro smiles.

Spyro: "Don't worry, I won't. Not like it's gonna happen." As he went to find his friend's.

Ignitus went to the pool of vision to see the future.

Ignitus: "Alrighty then, let's see your future, Spyro."

He concentrates to see the Spyro future. He saw Spyro finally make a new life of his own.

Ignitus: "Well Spyro, congratulations." With a smile.

As he focused his mind to see Spyro's future, he saw something else.

Ignitus: "What is this?" As he concentrates his mind.

He saw Skylands being attacked by a strange elemental creature, running towards the Core of Light. The Skylanders were pushed back by them. The Core of Light was turned into half light and dark. And a strange dark purple dragon walking towards Spyro and grabbing him by the neck and then holding him up.

Dark Purple Dragon: "You will never have the strength to save your friends, Spyro." As he dropped him to the ground and landed flat.

And another stranger then came to stand beside the dragon.

Dark Purple Dragon: "Get rid of him. He's nothing but extinct."

Stranger: "Yes, my god."

The stranger picked up Spyro and threw him into the portal and exiled him away from Skylands. And Ignitus was terrified by what he had seen and then a voice.

?voice: "Ignitus. Ignitus. Ignitus!"

Then Ignitus opened his eyes and saw Master Eon right beside him.

Master Eon: "Ignitus, are you okay?"

Ignitus: "Yes Eon, I'm fine. I just saw something in the future."

Master Eon: "You don't have to tell me. I sense something is coming. And it's not here."

Ignitus: "I know. It came from Skylands."


Kaos and Glumshanks brought more metals and they were tired.

Kaos: "Okay, being his apprentice is very hard. I use all my power to bring his people to life and we have been gathering metals for him."

Skylanders Academy Season 4 Age of Cyber-EmpireWhere stories live. Discover now