Chapter 11

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(Cause I'm lazy it's now their second year of college)


I walked into my Foundation, the college I go to. As I walked inside everyone started whispering. I couldn't really hear anything, but it kind of made me nervous. Soon I saw Kin and Larry talking.

"Hey guys." I said. Larry waved at me and smiled. Kin though just looked down at the ground like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. "You ok bro." I asked him. He sighed then looked up at me.

"Dude, I'm sorry, but-"Kin started but was cut off by Lexi.

"Bae! Guess what." She squealed. She had on a black leather skirt that goes to her knees with navy blue heels. She had on a navy blue shirt that had sparkles on it. Her hair was in a ponytail with wavy hair.

"I got us tickets to that new movie coming out!" She squealed again. Kin looked at me with a disgusted look on his face. Larry just looked at the ceiling, I knew he didn't like Lexi but he should at least look at one of us.

"Awesome." I said as she wrapped her arms around me. I smiled. Life was amazing, I got an awesome girl, awesome friends, and go to a wicked college.

"Got to go. Byeeeeee." Lexi kissed my check as she went away. Larry looked at me and facepaled himself. What was that for? I looked at Kin to see if he knew but he just glared down the hall.

"What?" I ask them. Kin looked at me with anger in his eyes. Larry just looked annoyed.

"Corey! Dude she's playing you." Kin told me with his voice level going high. I just looked at him, Lexi playing me? She's an angel and we've been together forever. There's no way she is.

"Sorry Kin but you must be thinking of a different Lexi." I tell him. Once again Larry facepales as Kin mutters something about me being oblivious.

"Corey, she is playing you." Larry tells me. "Halle Josephson saw her kissing Kaiden Smith." I shake my head. Anger is clawing its way up my throat.

"Guys Lexi wouldn't do that." I told them "Halle just probably didn't have her glasses on."

"No, Corey you got to believe us ok. She's bad for you." Kin puts his hands on my shoulders shaking me. Does he really think his lies will get to me?

"I'm sorry guys but I got to go." I tell them pushing Kin away. I walk down the hall. There's no way in the world that Lexi, my sweet Lexi, is cheating on me. Is there?

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