Chapter 28

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As the girls left one name kept circling my mind. Laney...Laney...Laney I closed my eyes and my childhood best friends popped in my head Kin, Kon and...LANEY! I opened my eyes again looking around the room. I guess the guys already left.

It doesn't matter, I need to talk to Alex. I walked out of the room and looked down the empty hallways. I walked into the kitchen and...nothing, no one, no living beings in there!

I continued walking around when I heard singing come from one of the closed doors. I opened it a bit to see Carrie, Kim, Konnie, and Laney singing. I also saw a whole bunch of technology and junk, but no one cares right now!

I closed the door and walked around the house again until I found Alex in the living room. Really I could've just stayed in there!

"Hey Alex umm..." I paused thinking of what I should say. "So do you know the girls' full names?"

"Oh yeah. Why?" She asked me looking up from the book she was reading.

"Well...I think I may have known one of them." I tell her quickly.

"O-Kay." She told me. "So you have Carrie Beff," Carrie Beff! From the Newmans! "Kim and Konnie Kagami," Yay, more Newmans. "And Laney Penn"

Yes! It is Laney. Wait, but why is she in a band with old members of the Newmans? Now that I think of it, why would three members of the Newmans want Laney in their band? And if Laney I'd their bassist does that mean Larry is Larry Nepp from the Newmans?

"Ummm Corey. You cool?" Alex asked me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah just got lost in thought." I told her nicely, backing out of the room. Now back on track. If Larry is Larry Nepp from the Newmans and Laney joined their band, did they kick Larry out or something. Or did Larry move or the three Newmans move? So, so many questions, and I'm gonna try and answer them all... tomorrow....or maybe today....or maybe tomorrow....yeah most likely tomorrow, wait didn't I already know Larry was in the Newmans....Nope I just heard the name Larry and pretend I knew who we were talking about....Way to go brain....Sorry....Ugh whatever....Hey is that Laney?....

I saw Laney walking down the hall towards me. Ok act natural....Gotcha.... "Hey Laney how are you?" I asked when she came closer.

"I'm good," She answered. "Hey do you know where Mike is?"

"No, but Alex is in the living room." I told her.

"Kay. Thanks." She then walked away and I sighed. That was close....But like old times....Yep....Do I think it's weird that before I moved away I kissed her?.... Nope.... Mhhh.... Ok maybe....ummm.... Yes, now go away, my other more reasonable voice in my brain.... Bye.... Whatever.

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