Chapter 17

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(Warning very very cringy! You might die of how much cringe this chapter is. I'm so sorry.)

This night was gonna be awesome. Why? Because me and Lanes made up a plan to get Carrie and Konnie to forgive each other. The plan is simple. First we have to remind them why they were friends. Next we have to have them notice how much they miss the other. Then they apologized and we are home free of fighting.

Laney and I sat on the couch while Konnie and Carrie got us some food from the food table. Soon they came back and sat on the floor. They both always try not to sit by each other. So they seemed kind of mad at us for sitting on the couch.

Soon the movie started. I picked the movie IT

(Me: Oh no not this movie!

Random person: why don't you change it? You are the author!

Me: I'm too lazy to!

Random Person: 😒)

As the movie started Laney walked over to the door under the stairs. The room I call the "Harry Potter Closet" She opened the door very slowly making sure not to make a sound as she pulled out a white board. She then placed it by the food table as planned.

'Ok next is for me to turn the lights to dim.' I thought as I got up and turned the lights up a bit to make the room a bit dim. As I did so Laney turned off the TV getting Konnie's and Carrie's attention.

I walked over to her and flipped the huge white board over to the side with pictures. Carrie seemed confused and Konnie just seemed mad.

"Ok guys tonight is the night you gals are gonna stop fighting." Laney told them, putting her hands on her hips.

"Here's why." I say as pointing to a picture of Konnie and Carrie on a roll coaster. "You guys used to be the best of friends." I point to a couple of other pictures. "But all because of Larry leaving and the band breaking up, you blame each other."

"So we want you two to say why you're mad at the other one." Laney said while pointing to them. "And not the whole. 'You destroyed the band, no you did' thing I want an actual reason instead of just accusing them other." Lane added.

"Well you see," Konnie started. "She made Larry move away! I did nothing." Konnie was glaring at Carrie now. Carrie looked away and had tears in her eyes.

"So? It's not her fault that Larry got up and left. It's his parents for agreeing to leave." Laney told them as she crossed her arms. Konnie opened her mouth but shut it quickly. Carrie just nodded her head in agreement still looking at the ground.

After a very long moment of silence Konnie spoke up. "Listen Carrie I'm sorry I blamed you for everything that happened, I'm sorry that a stuipd argument tore our friendship apart, and I'm sorry for just realizing that."

Carrie looked up and smiled at Konnie. "It's ok Konnie, I'm also sorry that I didn't talk to you earlier and just fight with you instead of trying to repair our friendship." Carrie explained. Konnie threw her arms around Carrie and hugged her tightly. Carrie smiled and hugged her back.

"Ok guys are we gonna finishGirls Night or what?" Laney asked. We all looked at each other and smiled.

"You know it." Carrie told Laney as we all sat down in our spots and turned the movie back on.

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