File X: The Stalker's Identity

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"Tell me, Mr. Vergara, how did he sneak inside your house?" I asked curiously. "Did he use the window? Back door? Where did he enter?" I added excitedly.

"Well, he didn't sneak because I invited him to come inside the house," he replied unhappy. His answer made my jaw dropped and my brows knitted.

"And why would you invite a stranger in your house?" I said, astound. Nobody wants to welcome a stranger inside their house. No one knows what they are up to.

"Because he brings an old clock and asked me to repair it for him," he reasoned out. Huh? So if I am a burglar and I have a clock along with me and asked him to repair it, he wouldn't hesitate to invite me inside. That was vacuous!

"Early morning? Why didn't he visit your shop instead?" I pointed out. The point that he went to the clockmaker's house to get the clock repaired is really suspicious!

"I asked the same question but he told me that he's in a hurry and can't wait until I open the shop. He has a flight at eight am and he needed to bring the clock along with him so he can give it to his grandpa at Korea. The clock has some sentimental value," Mr. Vergara recounted.

The man's reasons were really believable. I, myself, will fall for it either if I am in Mr. Vergara's shoes but I'm not. "How did he know your address sir? I presumed you didn't include your house address in the shop's info, right?"

"That's what made me think that he is suspicious. Even his name, Vin Han Go, I thought that he is a korean citizen because of his eyes, he speaks using english and a little bit of korean accent that made me believe him more," he said as if he despised himself for getting deluded.

"The story begins like this, while I am repairing the clock, he excused himself and went to the restroom. When he's taking a lot of time, I decided to look for him then I catch him putting the card in my grandson's bed. He's a fast runner so I didn't caught him. That's the end of my story. Lesson learned lady, do not let somebody especially a stranger, enter your house. I'm still lucky that he didn't steal anything from the house," he concluded with a sigh.

I suddenly bethink how the same scenario happened to me. Remember, when the same guy disguised himself as an old man and steal the deceased person's identity to make me find his missing grandson for him. It turns out that he leaves a clue for me and he's still doing the same to other people.

"The same thing happened to me sir, and I deducted that he is the same guy you're talking about," I admitted. I loathe myself that time because I was deceived by his act.

The chitchat was interrupted when the door sprang open and the bell chime produced a sound as the woman with a round clock in her hands appeared in the doorway.

"I'll go now Mr. Vergara, thank you for the info about that guy," I waved my hand and walked towards the shop's door. I was halfway through when I saw someone peered in through the window.

When I ran outside to see who is it, the person had vanished without living a trace. I guess I am right when I thought that someone's following me. I wonder if that person is one of the men I met last night. If that so, I need to take precautions. I captured the second clue card in case someone might steal it from me. I wish Pangaea is here, he will surely chase that person.

Wait, what about I tried to lure him out? I need to come up with a good plan then. When I reached home, I examined the card which made me look puzzled.



Who is that girl I see?
One way to say.
I'm asking to change his ways.


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