Chapter Nine

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I would be dumb if I hadn't noticed how weird Logan has been acting. From the moment Brianna first mentioned the woman to now. She's been more tensed, more private and distant. "Fucking Miami Florida" Lexi spoke for the 100th time. 

It was understandable that she was excited to leave the state. "I like Callie, she's cool" she smiled as she sat back into the car seat. I scoff. We didn't even know the woman long enough to actually like her. 

"You like her because you're a gold digger" Arielle spits as she shakes her head. 

Lexi flicked the red head off and rolled her eyes. It was obvious that Lexi disliked Arielle because she hit on her and found out the girl was in a relationship. Lexi very rarely takes rejection lightly.

"You're quiet Lo" Lexi changes the subject causing me to take a side glance at my fiancee. She was staring out the window, her mind wandering off into space. I put my eyes back on the road and rub her leg, bringing her back to earth.

"You okay baby?" I question in curiosity. She just stares at my hand before glancing away and nodding her head. I glance at her again, wishing she'd just tell me what's bothering her.

She was never one to really talk about herself too much. The most I knew about her past is that her Aunt, Uncle, and dad passed away. She never brought up her mother too much so I put two and two together and figured her mom left them.

After she came home last night from getting a drink, she seemed shook. 

I park behind the SUV I had been following and we all start to get out. "Miami here we come" Lexi cheers as she grabs her luggage from the trunk. Logan remained silent as she grabbed her things and headed onto the jet.


"So is Callie short for something?" I question the brunette who was cozy with my friend. She smiled and nodded her head and took a moment before responding. "My birth name is Carmella."

"That's a really pretty name, why go by Callie then?"

The brunette chuckled, "My first love called me Callie, I guess it stuck" she answers. I glance over to the sleeping Logan and sigh. It was now or never. Find out why she was acting so weird around Callie. "I don't mean to pry in your business, but did you and Logan meet each other before?"

I noticed the look of hesitation in her eyes. She glanced away, "No."

I wasn't exactly an expert on lying but I knew a lie when I heard one. And what she just said, was a lie. I study the woman and wonder if I let her know I knew she was lying or let it slide. I go with the former. If she or Logan wanted to keep their past hidden, then maybe I should respect it.

"How long have you and Logan been together?" she questions suddenly. I smile as I glance at my girl, "3 years and a few months."

"And you're married? Engaged?" she questions. "Engaged."

She nods her head and I realize Logan begin to stir in her sleep. In just matter of seconds the brunette wakes from her slumber and mumbles my name. "Claire, it's cold."

I smile and scoot closer to my fiancee, allowing my body heat to warm her up a little. "You smell so good" she whispers. Her eyes close for a long second before she leans up and captures my lips with her own. 

Once she was going back to sleep, I notice the look of discomfort on Callie's face. Suddenly the laughter of Lexi and Melani grab my attention from the brunette in front of me. 


I rub Logan's cheek as we arrive in Miami and smile when she stirs in her sleep. When she comes to, the sun that shines in through the window causes her eyes to beam. This woman is so breathtaking. I can't help but to smile down at her, to which she returns. "Where are we?" she questions as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"Miami" Lexi chirps as she peeks her head from behind our seats. Logan groans in annoyance. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Lexi smiles as she stands. She's at the exit first followed behind her is Melani. 

"I just might regret agreeing to coming" Logan whispers causing me to smile softly. "Well let's not have them waiting."

My eyes caught sight of a jealous Callie before my fiancee and I exited the aircraft. The heat hit my skin almost immediately, making me miss the cool breezes from New York. I forget the south is way hotter. "Welcome to Miami, Florida. Well don't just stand around let's get these bags in the truck so we can go explore!" Lexi cheered.

"There won't be a need to do that" a deep voice startled us all. There was 4 men dressed in black and white with sunglasses on. "I figured we'd want to go out to eat, so I got some guys to take out luggage to the penthouse we'll be staying in" Callie smiled as she hugged Brianna to her side. 

I was really starting to dislike something about her. There was no way she'd be so generous to a bunch of people she met like a month ago. Maybe she was just trying to stay on Brianna's good side by spoiling not just her, but her friends as well. 

"I was thinking Ferraro's Kitchen and Wine bar" Brianna spoke up with a smile as she basically gleamed at Callie. "Sounds like a plan."

That's when we separated into two groups. In one car was Callie, Brianna, Melani, and Lexi. Then it was us. Arielle, Elliot, Logan, and I.

Elliot decided to drive which I was glad for, because it meant more time admiring my lover instead of keeping my eyes on the road. "So anyone else feel something else off about Callie?" I question watching basically everyone's body tense up.

Arielle let out a nervous laugh before answering, "What about her? She's a sweet woman."

"I don't know" I hum and glance out the window. Maybe I was over reacting. Maybe she was like everyone else, with a gentle and caring heart and showed it to everyone. Hopefully I was just looking too into it and wouldn't end up ruining this mini vacay. 


It was way past 12, so everyone was settling down. After we went out to eat we went to the penthouse and began drinking. Melani and Lexi ended up on the couch, passed out. Arielle and Elliot managed themselves to a room and the noises coming from their room thankfully stopped. 

Now it was down to Brianna, Callie, Logan, and I. I could try and say I didn't notice the alluring eyes Callie and Logan shared the entire night, but I did. I saw every moment of it. From the time they started, to the moment Brianna noticed and got a little jealous and tried hopelessly to get the woman's attention. 

I hear a growl come from Logan's lips and glance at her. Her eyes were on Callie for a moment before she glanced at me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me from the bar, "Let's got to bed" she slurred with a seductive wink. 

Was she actually wanting to go to bed with me? Or was it Callie the one she wanted? I put the thought at the back of my mind. Logan loves me. She couldn't possibly think of another woman romantically, because she's my fiancee and she loves me. Right?


A/N: I apologize for being a little late with the update, I had to finish school work before I have to turn in my laptop Monday. And since I will be turning in my school laptop and not having a working one that I own personally, updates might not be consistent. 

But don't stop giving love to the book... Love you guys!

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