Chapter Nineteen

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"I give you a year. Get over me fully in a year and I'll stop pursuing you any further and leave you alone."



"You okay?" Claire pinches my cheek softly before kissing me. I blink rapidly until my brain realizes that I'm home, in the kitchen with my fiancee. I bring the coffee mug from my lips, "How long have I been spacing out?" I question turning around.

The brunette glances at the microwave, "About 2 hours, maybe more. I just got up."

I sigh and shake my head. "What's bothering you?"

I glance at my curious girlfriend. The last time I withheld information she got it wrongfully from someone else. "Honestly, a lot. Dave wants to talk to me Friday. It could mean two things, either I get a promotion or fired."

Claire chuckles, "I doubt you'd be fired. You're good at your job."

I can't help but to laugh, "Oh yes, serving strangers is a very hard task. No one can do such things."

"Hey some people do get social anxiety."

I set my mug down and approach the woman, "You're too cute" I whisper as I kiss her lips. The brunette smiles into the kiss, pulling me closer into her by the waist. "And you're beautiful."

"Want to do something about it?" I smirk and lick my lips. I watch her eyes trace my lips before glancing up at me. For a moment I'm sure I've got her whipped until she smiles and pulls away. "As much fun as that sounds, I have plans today. Maybe tonight."

"You're such a scrooge. You're gonna leave me high and dry?"

Claire smiles and nods her head. I pout and move away from the brunette. In return I get a smack on my ass, along with a little squeeze. I bite my lip and turn towards the woman. "A quickie, please."

"10 minutes" Claire spits.

I connect our lips and ignore any other thoughts not concerning Claire.


10 minutes wasn't nearly enough. I wasn't at all satisfied. And porn doesn't cut it for me. I need Claire. I growl and move my hands to the desired places.

Almost immediately, once I'm in the moment my phone rings. I groan and think about it. Pleasing myself or taking a phone call. Inevitably I choose the former and decide to ignore the ringing phone.

However it doesn't stop. Finally in annoyance I answer.

"This better be fucking important!"

"Whoa there sweetheart, I just wanted to call and ask if you would want to go to dinner later?"

"Claire what are you doing?" I question.

She takes a moment. I can hear her hesitate and for a moment I can feel the crack in my trust wall resurfacing. "I'm out with Lexi and Bri" she answers.

"That's more important than boning your fiancee? You left me high and dry for them?" I growl.

Instead of answering, the call ends. Oh! She is so not getting any for the next week.

When the ringing begins, I realized I've called Callie. Was I so upset I hadn't realized I was calling my ex?

Unfortunately the call goes to voicemail and I feel a bit sad. I remove my hand from my underwear and sit up. The words Callie spoke to me two days ago hit hard.

I had been playing cat and mouse with the two of them. Leading Callie on. Not being good enough for Claire. It wasn't fair. I just want them both.

Callie is undeniably attractive, smart, and charming. Just a smile from her would warm my heart. I love the sound of her voice and how tenderly she speaks to me. As if she used a different tone she could scare me off. And her eyes. There's a lot to Callie that's got me so attached to her.

I guess you can also add on the fact that we never really dated. You will always want someone you never really had. It's a possessive thing.

Claire is quite similar to Callie actually. They share the same qualities. Claire just shows them differently I guess. Callie usually hides from anything that would hurt her. Claire is more open about it.

"Gosh, what is wrong with me?" I cry out.

I don't want to hurt anyone or end up being hurt in the process.

Maybe if I believe it more, the more true it will hold. That Claire means more to me than Callie ever will.

I laugh at myself. Yeah right!

Maybe an open relationship was the answer.

My familiar ringtone sounds in my room and I answer the phone. "You called?"



The line goes silent as if she's waiting for me to speak again.

But honestly, I didn't know what to say.

What had I called her for?

"How do you know when you're in love?" I question.

If the question didn't startle her, I know it startled me. What kind of idiot asks their ex a question like that? Oh wait, me.

"Well, you know you're in love when they're the only person consuming your every thought. Specifically, when you're in love with someone, you feel an intensely strong and almost inexplicable passion and desire for them. In fact, being in love means that you yearn for this person, you think about them constantly and you crave being around this person and spending time together."

"That even when they're far away and already in a relationship with someone, you still want them because no one else can make you feel the way they do."

That last part was oddly specific.

"Uh, okay. Thank you. That sums things up" I give out an awkward laugh.

That moment felt weird.

"How are things holding up on your end?" I question trying to get my mind off of things. Specifically the subject of being in love. Because I am in love. And not with my fiancee.

"I think I'm ready for retirement, I want to settle down. I also looked into adoption centers, I think I want a kid."

"Oh, so you can abandon her for 20 years?"

It was meant to be a joke but I could hear the acidic burn it left. The line goes silent and I know I've made a bad decision of letting that one slip out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be bitter" I quickly apologize.

The woman clears her throat, "Yeah, no it's okay" she stutters.

I bite down on my lip.

"How are things holding up over there?"

"It's okay. Where do you think you want to settle down?" I quickly change the pace of things.

"With you."

I feel the blush on my cheeks as my heartbeat speeds up. That was cute. "Why me?"

"Because there's no one else in this world I would rather have."

She's way too good with her words. "I'm supposed to be getting over you. Why are you making this hard?"

The woman on the other line scoffs, "Logan, if you loved her you would've cut me off a long time ago. The fact that you haven't, lets me know I have a high chance of getting the girl."

How dare she!

She's spot on.

"Why so confident?"

"Because I have the opportunity to have you. That means waking up every morning to you in my bed, laughing at you for being the cutest person ever, having dates that could possibly lead to great sex. You. I'm confident because, Logan in case you haven't noticed, I'm in love with you."

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