Chapter Twenty-Four

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5 months later


"You're jealous"

I scoff in defense, "No I'm not."

My eyes travel back across the room to Claire and Brianna. It has been over 5 months since I saw either of them. And oddly enough the two were way too acquainted.

"Okay maybe a little bit, but she is still my ex" I sigh.

Today was a special occasion. Arielle and Elliot were finally getting married. Everyone was invited including family members.

Fortunately for me Chad was nowhere to be seen. "Oh look, Melani and Callie finally showed up" Lexi smiled as she eyed her girlfriend.

My eyes finally left Claire as I eyed the brunette who had just arrived. Indeed she still looked younger than ever.

Our eyes met and a smile appeared on her rosy lips. I couldn't help but shoot a smile back.

"You are a person filled with mixed signals. You're jealous about Claire but sending flirty eyes to Callie?" Lexi sighs.

I roll my eyes, "Oh shut up. I can be in love and jealous at the same time."

"You gonna tell Callie about your hookups?"

"She doesn't need to know about anyone. Let'skeep it between us, okay?"

"You, need therapy."

"You need sex" I retaliate. She nods and glances towards her girlfriend who was a lot closer to us now. Lexi stands as she takes Mel into a hug.

"Hey Logan" Mel smiles.

I nod my head and leave the two. I was not third-wheeling again. Not to them and hopefully not to the newly weds as well.

In about 20 minutes we'd all be seated in the church where Ari and Elli plan on getting married.

"You look good" I hear.

I turn towards the woman with a small frown. "Thanks Claire, you don't look so bad yourself."

The now blonde glances around, her eyes landing on a certain brunette.

"Your girlfriend is here, she looks good as always" She laughs. I'm speechless! Did she just compliment someone who took her ex? Before I can respond a hand is pressed against the small of my back.

I turn my head, my eyes taking in the brunette beside me.

"Hey" her voice is soft like velvet. Claire takes her leave, leaving me with the woman I've been craving for the past year. I turn to take in her appearance. The color of the wedding is purple. And Callie looked amazing in her dress.

"You look amazing" I practically drool over the sight. Callie smiles and looks me over, "You're not too shabby yourself."

"Oh, fuck you. I want a real compliment" I pout as we make our way towards the front to take our seat. Callie smirks and leans down into my ear, "You look so sexy baby, but in honesty I rather see you naked. Begging  for more." She nibbles on my ear before pulling away.

"I said a compliment not make me horny."

Callie can only laugh. "Why aren't you up there? I was sure Arielle would have you up there with her."

"Oh, Elliot wanted his sister to be the bridesmaid. Plus I wanted to be down here with you guys" I answer honestly. I had the pleasure of meeting both sides of the family, being that I am Arielle's best friend. Everyone had to know me. I'm important to both Elli and Ari.

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