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"Babe! We're gonna be late!" I hiss at the brunette.

"Who's fault is that?" She replies, her lips reconnect with the side of my neck. I can't help but to melt into her. "5 minutes won't hurt anyone" she chuckles lifting me and setting me on the counter. I spread my legs, allowing her to get closer. After proposing, let's just say the week that followed included a lot of sex.

The week that as well. I mean we did take hourly breaks. Well every 4 hours. We're not sex crazed maniacs. We know when to stop.

"I can't get enough of you" Callie whispers into my ear before sucking lightly on the lobe. As much as I would love for this to continue, we can't be late to our own party.

It's been weeks since we've seen everyone. So obviously no one knows about our engagement. So we wanted to share the news. But tonight was very important for me, I had to make a good first impression because I was meeting Callie's parents for the first time in my life.

"Baby, stop we'll need more than 5 minutes" I finally spit out as I feel her hand enter my panties. She moves back, however keeping her hand in place. Her brown eyes turning a shade darker and a smirk playing on her lips causes me to give in. "I hate you" I moan into the air.

Callie laughs, planting a tender kiss on my forehead, "In 4 minutes you'll love me again."


Let's just say our timing was completely off. I remember making reservations at 6. Well. It was actually 5. So instead of being just 10 minutes late. We were late by an hour.

"Bout time you guys arrive!" Lexi groans. Callie and I give a sheepish smile as we greet everyone and apologize for running so late. Then we got to them. Callie's parents. Callie looked almost identical to her father but she had her mother's big brown eyes. Their salt n pepper hair, was evident of their age because it didn't show in their face.

They looked young. "Hi, I'm Logan" I introduce myself and stick out my hand. Were they huggers? The two stare at my hand before clearing their throat. I take my hand back and place it on Callie's arm, pulling her into me.

"Jerry. Kelly. It's so nice that you two could make it" Callie spoke.

Why is she calling them by their names? Jerry, her older twin speaks, "Carmella. You've grown. You almost look as good as I do" the man jokes.

"Don't listen to your old man. What bbn happened to your boyfriend Jamie? He was a good man."

I purse my lips. Have they not talked for this long? It's been over 14 years since my dad died. Callie glances over to me before speaking. "Mother, Jamie passed away years ago."

The woman's eyes go wide, "What? That poor man! Why did you never invite us to the funeral? Your daughter must be devastated!"

Callie sighs. "Why would I talk to you when you guys kicked me out after finding out I was pregnant?"

The information struck a nerve. "We wanted you to know what it was like to be an adult since you were doing adult things. Look at you now, Multi-millionaire. You're doing well for yourself!" Jerry smiles.

Callie rolls her eyes. "This is my fiance, Logan O'Brien" she spits out instead of continuing that conversation. The two look around me as if I wasn't here. Are they serious? So much for a first impression! They're homophobes.

"Where is he? Ah, the young man speaking with those group of women?" Kelly spoke.

"I'm Logan O'Brien" I mutter grabbing their attention. I grab Callie's hand, pulling her away from those assholes. This night was about enjoying our engagement and celebrating with our friends and family. The sudden thought of family caused a pain in my chest. Everyone in my family passed away.

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