Chapter Twenty-One

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Honestly I didn't know if I was happy or hurt about the fact that Claire broke up with me. I knew it was going to happen, but I thought it would be my decision to end things.

"I'm going out" I hear. I look up to see a rushing Claire. I raise my brow as I take in her appearance, and quite honestly, I haven't seen her look so sexy in a hot minute. Claire is always sexy, but not like this.

"With who? What time are you planning to be back?" I ask on instinct.

When you've been with someone for so long, it kind of becomes routine.

Claire scoffs and looks over at me as she grabs her keys, "Does it really matter to you?"

"Yes, it does Claire. Just because I have feelings for someone else doesn't mean you're not important to me. What if something happens? I need to know where you are" I defend.

And if I remember correctly I wasn't the one who ended things. She was. So why was she attacking me?

"I'll be back, don't wait up" is what she says before leaving.

The sound of the door slamming alarms me. I roll my eyes. I needed to move out quick. Staying here wasn't working. It would be a little less weird if she didn't make a face or get an attitude when I was on the phone with Callie.

After all she was the one who told me I belonged with Callie.

And I know saying things don't always comply with the feelings. She's telling me to be with someone else but deep down she feels like shit.

Now I'm all alone at home. And talking to Callie is no bueno. I decided maybe a little distance was well needed. Especially since I'm still living with Claire. I call it considerate and respectful. Plus, Claire's attitude always changes when I get a call frome her.

So instead I call Lexi and Brianna.

"Hey Lex, is Bri with you?"

"No, she went out. Hot date she said" Lex sighs, "Why? You miss us?"

I scoff and roll my ears, earning myself a laugh from the blonde. "Yeah, I guess I kinda kiss you guys. Come over?"

"Oh, Ms. O'Brien are you asking for my attention?"

I chuckle as I look around my boring home. "Yeah, bring wine. We're fresh out."

The blonde agrees without hesitation and the call ends. Should I call Brianna? See who the lucky woman is? Hopefully this time she's not one of my ex's.

Within 30 minutes Lexi has arrived with two bottles of wine. I raise my brows and welcome the girl in, ready to let loose and forget about my problems.

After gossiping about celebrities and going into our 4th glass of wine, the conversation takes a change.

"So, what's going to happen between you and Callie?"

I sip on the bitter beverage before answering. "I don't know yet. I just need time to figure it out."

Lexi sighs, "What do you mean you need time? I thought you were oh so in love with her."

"I am. But Lex, I still have feelings for Claire. I just can't move on like being with her meant absolutely nothing when it did."

Lexi rolls her eyes. She was the girl with more action and less thinking. In her head, if you're in love, fuck everyone else's opinion and go for it. But I didn't operate with that mentality.

Claire is still a person who has feelings.

"What about you and Melani?"

"We aren't official. We did just meet a few months ago, but I think we could possibly be a couple."


"Wake the fuck up!" I hear. However my eyes remain closed as I curl up to the person beside me. The person's arm wraps around me. When the loud sound of something hitting against a hard surface, I jumped awake. My tired eyes immediately landing on a drunken and angered ex.

I furrow my brows and look around, noticing the broken glass on the other side of the livingroom. "What the hell's your problem?"

"You're seriously going to aske me that when you're all snuggled into my friend, basically half naked?!!"

I glance down at my body. Indeed I was half naked. Stripped all the way down to the undergarments.

I take a moment to let everything she's saying settle in. Friend?

The movements beside me startle me, memories of the night prior flashing into my head. It's just Lexi.

"What are you fussing about?" I hiss as the oncoming headache settles on the left side of my head.

"You're half naked and cuddled up with Lexi? You have no fucking respect!"

"Okay, shut up before you wake her up. Nothing happened, asshole. We played strip poker and ended up on the couch. You really think I would stoop that low?"

Claire stares at me blankly before sighing. "I'm sorry. I'm just stressed."

"I get that, but please stop taking it out on me."

Claire nods her head in defeat. Lexi stirs next to me but fortunately she doesn't wake. I search for my phone and once retrieved, I notice the many messages and missed calls.

They're all from Claire. I ignore them and take a glance at the clock. 03:45.

"Okay, go upstairs go sleep. You need it" I glance at my ex. Her eyes were droopy but it was cute.

She starts making her way to the room before stopping halfway and turning towards me. "Can you come lay with me? Just until I go to sleep?"

I glance at the sleeping blonde beside me before looking back at Claire. "Yeah."

I throw my leg over Lexi, in order to get off the couch. Her hand grabs my thigh, causing my heart to jump up in my throat. What the hell is she doing? Luckily her hand drops and her lips part, "Melani."

Okay. That was too cute. I am so teasing her about this later. I continue getting off the couch and heading to the Master bedroom with Claire.

We both get into bed and an awkward silence settles in. Mainly because we're facing each other, neither one of us with our eyes closed.

"I went out with Brianna" Claire whispers, her eyes travelling all over the room. Well what do you know. Brianna has a thing for making moves on my ex's. Not that I'm upset about it, it's just fascinating.

"What did you guys do?"

"Talk. She said it would be funny if once you and Callie got together, she and I got together too."

Interesting. I nod my head and close my eyes. "Are you mad? I'll stop talking to her."

"No, Claire I'm not mad. You have the right to see whoever you please and I'd gladly support you. And she's also our friend, so keep talking to her."

Claire chuckles. "You're really a good and considerate person. Even when you had feelings for someone else, you didn't cheat and you were respectful in our relationship. Thank you, so much. I love you and I hope everything works out with you and Callie."

I open my eyes to look at Claire, "Yeah and I hope things go well for you and Bri."

"Goodnight" she whispers and leans in closer placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and heading off to sleep.

I smile to myself and follow in suit.

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