Chapter Sixteen

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To say I was scared was a complete understatement. I was down right terrified of what Claire had to say to me. We made it to our room, and she closed the door behind us as I sat on the bed.

She sighed before starting.

"I talked to someone" she spoke as she began the nervous movements. She rubbed her arms before speaking up.

"Are you in love with Callie?"

The question causes me to loose focus for a moment. The air comes back to me as I glance at my fiancee. Do I lie or tell the truth?

I chew on my cheek for a moment before answering, "Yes."

The woman looks up in shock. "You're disgusting" she spits. The comment brings back a memory from when Uncle Evan thought Callie and I were involved sexually. He was right but we wouldn't allow him to believe it. Because back then we believed we truly were related.

"What?" I question in confusion. No one knew about our past.

"I talked to Chad, you know the ex boyfriend of yours? He told me everything. You're fucking disgusting. She's your mother, Logan for christ's sake!" She spits.

My brows raise. "You went behind my back and talked to someone we told you was bad? Are you fucking serious?" I question.

Funny how the tables have turned. "Don't fucking turn this against me Logan! I didn't have too many options seeing as my damn fiancee won't tell me the fuckin' truth!"

"And you go to someone else? You should've respected my wishes. I truested you Claire and you went behind my back to learn about my past? Why couldn't you just wait til I was ready to tell you?"

"Because we've been together for 3 and a half years Logan! You never tell me anything. When I ask you blow me off!! Not to memtion you're in love with someone else who's related to you."

"Okay first of all before you try to pin shit on me know your damn facts. We're not related but you'd probably trust Chad over your damn fiancee!"

This was escalating too fast.

"At least he told me the truth! You cheated on him, Arielle abused you and y'all start dating and then when he tried to fucking help you, you pushed him away for a woman who's supposed to be your mother. You're sick and evil."

"I never cheated on him. You would really get information from a man you don't even know? And then falsely accuse someone you've been with for 3 and a half years? If anyone's sick and evil it should be you!"

Without further ado, I stand and leave the room. The eyes of all my friends are on me. "We're not done talking Logan" Claire spits as she forcefully pulls on my arm.

"I'm done talking! Let me go Claire, you didn't even ask me if the accusations were correct you just started attacking me with lies" I hiss in annoyance.

Before she could speak any further Arielle was pulling me away from her grip. "That's enough Claire."

Claire growls lowly, "You should be one to talk! You fucking abused her. What? You don't want anyone else to put their hands on her because that's your thing?"

Arielle's face falls.

Callie intervenes as well. "That's enough!"

Claire furrows her brows as she lets me go and the hand that held onto me pummels into Callie's nose.

The older woman stumbles back. "What the hell Claire!" I hiss as I rush to Callie's side. The woman holds her now bloody nose, to which we can assume is broken.

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