Chapter 10

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" This Chapter is dedicated to Noah 😜
It's the same place as Chapter 7,8,9 but through Noah's feeling and thoughts. Not everything tho, it's a short chapter 👍🏻

Some facts and feeling are being exposed 💥"


" Third person P.O.V "

When Noah realized the fact that they got robbed, he was extremely mad.
He wanted to punch something!

He got out of the car slamming the door. He couldn't believe how dump she was to leave the car unlocked!

He kept walking around the car trying to control his anger and not looking at her or he would snap.

after the search for god knows how many times he made sure his gun was still in it's place. That was relieving to him at least.

While he was thinking he noticed that Lily was worried and scared of him somehow!

He know he would never hurt her, not because she's the boss's daughter, But he would never hurt a woman.

But he couldn't anymore. He looked at her looking like a poppy dog!

" What were you thinking? You said you're not leaving the car! " He said trying to hold his timber.

She answered him with a shaky voice that made him stop before she burst into tears.

Noah can't stand tears!

But after her apology and him regretting taking this job, he noticed she was shivering so he told her to get in the car anyways.

Through the drive his mind was elsewhere.

He doesn't care about the money, gas or food. Noah was worried about one thing.

His phone is gone so now he can't reach her!

Natalina Would be worried by now. She knows where he is but not calling her that would be something.

His heart ached. He can't go a day without calling her. He sighed out of frustration.

He thought of her fragile body laying in bed waiting for him to come home. He wanted to be home right now.

Another problem penetrated his mind. Mr. Adams would snap if Noah didn't contact him. And of course Noah doesn't know his number by heart to call him, Surely neither his daughter.

Problems was coming like a waterfall already.

Not only that they are driving in the middle of nowhere but also the car ran out of gas! Perfect.

He cursed.

He was about to snap at her but he looked her in the eyes. Weird thing that she has that calming effect on him!

Her eyes were begging him for forgiveness if he wasn't wrong.

He thought what if it was Natalina in such a situation! He wouldn't want anyone to hurt her.

So he calmed himself.

They took their stuff, her bag and his gun and left the car.

When she got tired he knew it, so they stoped to take their breathes.

He found himself staring at her while she was stretching. She looked like a little girl, Yet she was so beautiful.

When she caught him staring he turned away quickly so she won't notice his red face.

Cigarettes was calming him. Calming his anger, his grieves and his deep buried sins.

Breathing out the smoke was amusing and relaxing.

Without looking at her he knew that she was checking him out. Her eyes were fixed on him and slightly he liked that. But he didn't know why!

He joined her for juice and they sat still enjoying the sunset. He thought it wasn't a very bad situation after all.

When it was night already and they continued their walking he felt her approaching him! She was scared and He felt the need to protect her, obviously.

He wanted to hold her hand telling her that it's okay and everything is going to turn just fine, And he's sorry for snapping earlier.

But he couldn't and he knew it's a bad idea.

He calmed her down feeling amused by her. She was an interesting girl even though she looked so typical.

Walking their way He heard something. A car! He wasn't that happy, he was alarmed.

For him, A car that coming that fast wouldn't be a life jacket, it would be a red alert.

His heart went wild. He was worried about her safety, not even caring about his!

spontaneously, He found himself protecting her. He felt her fear.

He felt her hand on his jacket, she was holding him and he felt his heart skipping a beat.

He wanted to grab his gun but he didn't want to freak her out that early.

Noah looked stood and calm but deep inside he was scared to death bringing back old memories. Bad memories.

He thought, taking a deep breath.

History would repeat itself ? Not this time.

When the drunk guys had their eyes on Lily he felt raged, that was it. He became furious hearing the word "bitch" being told to her.

He knew it was the time for the gun so he pinched the guy, pulling the gun out aiming it to the guy's head, feeling all the adrenaline rushing towards his brain.

He felt Lily shivers.

They finally left.

He stood still not knowing what to do. It's not his first time in situations like this, but he was always alone. Lily was in shock.

Now, Noah was captured by all the past's memories. He was shivering too!

Only deep inside his heart.


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