Chapter 14

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* Lily's P.O.V *

The old man kept driving his truck between fields under the moonlight. I felt heavy and wanted to sleep really bad since i was up from an early hour. But it was impossible with everything that going on. I kept yawning like a kid and that was embarrassing. I think the old man is the only one noticed since i'm sitting next to Jack Frost himself!

A murderer!

" It seems like your wife need rest, son. Have you been in the roads for a long time? " He said that and all my senses suddenly awakened. Wife! Wtf!

Noah got confused too and he looked to the old guy correcting for him. " No sir, she's not my wife. We're not together ". Wow! He said that like he was offensive.

The old man laughed and he seemed amused by us. " Ed, you can call me Ed, son. To be honest i knew you're not together, i was just being polite. ".

I felt awkward for moment but i decided to ask. " You can tell? ". Of course he can tell we're not married since i don't put any ring on, but how did he guessed we're not a thing!

He pointed to his hair. " Little girl, this hair didn't get white in one night. I can tell by the chemistry going on ". I got confused. "yeah! it's obvious that we don't have such a thing". Old Ed laughed. "I didn't say that, 'cause you diffidently have". 

I can tell that Noah already had left the chat, he was bored i could tell, but that provoked me. I looked at him and his eyes were fixed on the road. So i whispered to him. " He's right, you know. How could someone like you get involved with anybody ".

He slowly turned his head to look directly at my eyes. I saw them clearly, and i realize how stupid i sounded. That was so disrespectful of me.

And suddenly i remembered the girl he talked to on the phone! The one he called baby! So basically the joke is on me.

I turned my face away from him before i get slapped or something. He is a murderer after all!

" Son, you're looking for the bus station, right? "

Noah looked at old Ed, and they immediately got into a conversation.

" Yes sir, any bus station ". Noah's voice came out friendly. Unusual!

" I gotta tell you, son, it's almost midnight. There'll be no trips that late ".  I had the feeling that Noah was looking at me as if it was my fault. I did felt guilty tho, for the whole robbery thing.

" It's okay. I guess we'll just wait there till the morning ". Noah said that and i could tell he is exhausted. He needed some rest and surly need a shower.

" wait there! Don't you need rest? A motel or something ". Old Ed was looking at both of us now. If he only knew.

I had to say something since Noah didn't say anything. I didn't know how to say this but i had to. " W- We actually got robbed ". Noah and i looked at him waiting for a reaction.

" Oh poor kids, it happens a lot in this area. Damn bandits and muggers are around the place. Did you went to the police?". Old Ed got angry as if he got enough of the robberies in the area! That gave the shills.

When he mentioned the police part, i turned to Noah asking him to answer instead of me. So he did. " No we didn't ". That was it!

" Say no more kids, you're coming with me". He was insisting.

" Well, thank you, sir, but we really can't. There's a place we should be at as soon as possible so we should be on the raid ". Noah was right but i was tired, so as he.

Old Ed chuckled. " On the road! With what? No money, no bus station will be open until the morning. Plus this poor girl is sleepy and hungry. I'm sure Matilda would be more than happy to feed you up like her grandchildren ".

Damn you stomach noises!

I really wanted him to say yes. Matilda must be Ed's wife and she seems like a really sweet person. This trip is gonna get better after all.

Noah thought a little but then he said okay! Yay.

So old Ed drove his truck and then got to a side road that heading towards a small farm between fields. I could see everything under the moonlight! It was magical.

He parked the truck front of the house bench and we got off it. He was so friendly and happy to invite us in so we followed. Noah was little worried but i smiled to him and that seemed like it comforted him! He almost smiled back.

It was a wooden small house yet it looked so comfy and warm.

We got in the house and Old Ed shouted. " Honey! I'm home! We got company for tonight ". And he started to take his boots and hat off.

The inside was so simple and dreamy. Totally the opposite of the mansion i live in. I would absolutely trade! It was all wooden with hanged pictures on the walls that i figured it was for their children and grand children. It was nice.  

We stood there staring until an old lady came out of another room, it seemed like the kitchen since she was whipping her hand with a white peace of cloth.

She was smiling in a very warm smile. She looked very friendly and i immediately felt relieved around her.

" Oh welcome to our house". She approached us, i was ahead of Noah so she greeted me first. She cupped my face!

I was shocked. No one cupped my face before, so i stood there looking at her like a ten years old girl. I felt like i wanted to shed a tear. My heart ached. She treated me like a mother. And i never known one in my whole life.

" oh, don't you look so young and beautiful ". She said with a warm voice, so i found myself answering her like a robot. " Thank you".

She moved from me to Noah. And she cupped his face too!

OMG! He opened his mouth in disbelieving and he was shocked just as me. Noah got cupped! I wanted to burst into laughter. He looked cute and i just couldn't, so i put my hand on my mouth to stop my laughs.

I wish if i had a camera.

" And you young man, aren't you so handsome and tough! But what a great eyes full of sadness you have ". She said that in soft tone that made Noah flinch, and made me look long at Noah.

Old Ed had to interrupt since there were a uncomfortable situation. " I smell a very delicious dishes, my deer. Those kids are hungry so we better feed them". He was guiding us to the dining table. He leaned to me and whispered. " She is a very emotional woman". So i smiled.

I noticed Noah was tensed. I can tell he's not familiar with such behaviors, neither do i, but it felt home. And everyone deserves to feel home once in his life, even a cold hearted murderer.

That moment, i stared at him. He smiled! A real smile. I found myself smile myself. That when i realized that this guy has much more than a cold heart. That when i decided to look at him in a different way.


Another chapteeeeer 💃🏻💃🏻

Took so long but i think it worth it 😁

Have a good day ♥️

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