Chapter 26

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* Noah P.O.V *

Everything went too fast. And here i am laying on the hard cold ground, feeling nothing but extreme pain. I don't know for how long i stayed like this, for few minutes! Few hours! It felt like an era. I think i fainted at some point.

All i was seeing is her face. Her eyes were looking directly at mine. I saw fear in them, but not just fear, i saw deep warmth. And it was all meant for me. It gave me hope.

That look gave me the strength to stand up despite every single bruise on my skin!

I wiped the blood on my face with the back of my hand. I tripped for a while until i fully stood up. I looked around, no one was around, not even the man in the wooden shack! He must've ran away!

I saw the truck, so i walked to it putting my hand on my ribs. I think some are broken.

I got in and i drove off the port. I know where i was heading, home. I need to be there as fast as i could. Now all i could think about is Nana! If she got hurt, i swear this time i won't give a shit and i'll kill both John and Lucas.

I was having trouble seeing well but i didn't care, i'll be fine in a minute. I've been through worse after all.

Having hours and hours of driving made me think clearly about everything happened. I had mixed feelings. Anger, sadness, pain, happiness and love!

Lily succeeded to break through the walls i built for years around my heart. She didn't judge me! She loved me for who i am. She looked through my soul. She was that innocent, and all i did was hurting her and violating this innocence.

I was worried for her. Lucas would never care if she got hurt. Matter of fact, he is the one who might hurt her. I know how he can get mad and ruffianly. I saw it before. He's not human!

All i could do for now is praying for my sister and her to be safe and sound.

My head made a million scenario of what i could find back home. Every memory from the past hunted me. Natalina have been through a lot, she won't take another pain. I can't let that happen.

I didn't notice that my tears were silently falling, slietely burnin on the wound under my eye. I felt helpless, so i hit the driving wheel so hard screaming disappointedly.

I didn't know what should i do next! Guess i'll leave it to John Adams to decide my fate. I won't be able to runaway after all. He'll easily find me and kill me, or enjoy torturing me, or my sister.

After hours of driving i was dying to sleep. My body was exhausted and my head was heavy. But i was almost home, and that idea made me more energetic. i kept whispering to myself. "Hold out Noah, you can do it".

I finally got home after god knows how many hours of driving. I got up the stairs running and forgetting about my pain. I wanted to see Natalina. I reached to my loft apartment door.

Thank god my keys didn't get stolen so i opened the door and got in, screaming. "Natalie! Natalina! Nana!". My heart sank inside my chest for a second.

"Noah!". I turned to where the voice came from to find her coming in from the balcony. I breathed in relief.

I ran towards her and got down on my knees front of her wheelchair. "Are you okay?". I asked her.

She looked tired and worried. She put her hand on my cheek. "You scared me Noah, where have you been? I called like millions of times". She took a good look at my face then frowned. "What happen to your face?".

"It's okay, it's okay i'm fine". I took her hand in my hands and put a kiss on it. "I'm so sorry". There where a lump in my throat and i couldn't help it. So i put my head on her lap and started to cry like a baby. I would've never forgive myself if anything happened to her again.

She moved her other hand through my hair comforting me. "It's okay. Everything is going to be fine". I always feel peaceful when she does that. So i immediately quietened.

I didn't say anything for a while so she talked. "I can feel that something bad happened. Noah, you never cry". I lift up my head looking at her, she looked worried, yet so angelic. So i wiped my face and put a smile on my face to calm her. "I'm not a robot, you know".

She smiled. "I know. Actually, i'm glad that you cried. At least you finally let something out". She smiled even wider. "You look like a shit, brother. Why don't you go take a shower until i make you something to eat and bring the first aid kit to see what i'm going to fix this time". She was mocking me.

I tiredly laughed, then i got up fast that i felt my ribs hurting again. I thought they were already healed the moment i saw my sister safe! Guess i was Delusional.

"Do you need help?". I offered since she's going to push the wheels of her wheelchair herself. She looked at me foolishly. "The real question is, do YOU need help?". Here she is my sweet silly little sister!

I turned around laughing, heading to my room. "Omg! Here we go again". I heard her laugh too.

I got under the shower. The warm water felt really nice on my painted in blue skin. I needed painkillers like immediately. I know that Nana is going to take good care of me. She always did at situations like this.

I finished showering and put on a white t-shirt and a gray sweatpants. I got out to find Nana coming into my room with a tray on her legs and a small first aid kit bag. I looked at the food. "I'm starving. That looks delicious".

"I know, come on sit". She can get little bossy but it's okay, i like to spoil her every now and then.

I sat on the edge of the bed so she could reach my face from her wheelchair. Then she started to sanitize my wounds.

"Tell me, what did you do in my absence?". I asked her while i was eating. She kept focusing on what she's doing. "Well, i had some troubles reaching for some stuff or doing the basics, but i survived" She took a breath. "Yet I was worried the whole time, worried enough to call your evil boss".

I almost choked. "You did what?". She hummed. "What did you want me to do! I was going crazy. I wanted to call the police".

Oh god! "Did you?". She hit me in the shoulder. "Of course not! That's why i called John Adams, specially that you're traveling with his daughter so i thought he'd know what happened to you, but he didn't know a thing".

That makes sense! I took off my shirt so she could put some ointment on my ribs and ligature it.

I found myself speak without thinking. "Lily, her name is Lily". She paused for a second and stared at me. "You know you awe me an explanation, right?".

I took a deep breath. "You won't believe what i've been through. I can't believe it myself". I was displaced in memories.

"Are you blushing?" She was staring at me in disbelieve! I flickered. "What? No!". I couldn't look at her eyes.

She laughed. "Pray that you're tired and in pain. I'll let you sleep now, but i'll know everything in the morning". She warned me, pointing in my face. "Every single detail". Oh! Okay!

I put my shirt back on. She handed me some pills and water. "Take these and get some rest". I thanked her. She took the tray and went out, wishing me good night.

I lied in bed, staring at the ceiling. I sighed loudly.

Lily now knows about my revenge. She said hurting stuff to me. I know she was broken and in pain. And i'm sure she still in love with me after what she saw in the port, but what if she told her father! I was questioning myself.

Do you trust her? If she wanted to hurt you, she definitely won't hurt your sister.

Something kept telling me. "Have faith in her Noah". So i chose to.

I chose to trust her. I chose to trust love.


Finally we got to meet Natalinaaaa 😍😍🥰

What do you think of her? And the relationship between her and her brother? 😍

Please honor me with comments and vote. I'll appreciate it ♥️♥️

Thank you and have a great day ♥️

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