Chapter 17

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*Lily's P.O.V*

It was after midnight, and i needed to sleep but i couldn't! even the hot shower didn't help. so i just lay in bed looking at the ceiling. I couldn't take Noah out of my mind. I never been that close to him. We almost kiss! and that's a turn in actions.

If he didn't leave the room, i'd differently go for it. Why would he stop! Because he's my bodyguard? I don't know, but my mind won't stop til i get an answer. At least i was good at getting answers since i was young. Thanks to my dad.

My dad! Shit!

I forgot all about my father and Lucas! It's weird that i didn't think of them at all for the last 9 hours or something. They didn't came to my mind at all.

Are they looking for me? Did they told the police? I doubt that but i've never been lost before so i don't really know how my father would act. Who cares since i'm in good hands, right?

I was about to close my eyes seeking for some rest finally, but something happened. Did i just heard a gun shots!

I flinched and immediately got off bed. I put on the extra outfit i got from my suitcase trying to control my breaths. Something is going on outside the house. I ran outside the room heading downstairs.

I saw Ed coming from the outside telling Matilda to call the sherif! What the hell is going on!

I got downstairs to find Matilda talking on the phone, and she was on a rush tone. I was about to run outside when she held my arm grabbing me and putting down the phone. " Stop, don't go out there ". I looked at her trying not to panic. " what's going on! Where's Noah? ". She was about to answer but then we heard another gun shot. I skipped a scream. Matilda held me even stronger. " Look at me, Noah and Ed is trying to take care of the things. The damn kid came back. Ed pissed them of before so they came back in groups ". Now i can panic really hard.

Did she said groups! Against just Noah and Ed!

I was trying to make her let me go. " I have to go outside. Noah is out there, please". I was trying to ignore the pulp that was stuck in my throat. I can't cry now. I have to be strong for Noah.

Finally, Ed came in holding his shotgun trying to check on us. " are you okay? They finally decided to run away those bastards ". Matilda let me go so i ran towards Ed. " Noah, where's Noah? ". But before he could answer Noah came in holding his gun, all sweaty and breathing fast. " They're gone ".

My eyes got widened when i noticed the blood on his white shirt. I ran getting close to him. I put my hands all over his chest trying to know where this blood coming from, but he put his free hand on mine trying to calm me. "These are not my blood ". I looked at his eyes all panicking and scared. So i hugged him.

How! I have no idea. But at that moment i thought i would be loosing him. That freaked the shit out of me.

I felt his breaths calming under my body. He finally put his arm around me and whispered into my ear. " It's okay, everything is fine ".

I let go and Matilda came approach. She cupped his face thanking him and then she went next to her husband.

Now we are hearing sirens! It must be the sherif and his team. That was fast, Fuck!

I looked at Noah seeking for a solution. " Noah?". He looked back at me and i couldn't read his features. He looked at Ed looking for one himself. " Sir, did you called the cops? ". Matilda answered. " I called the sherif, he's our friend".

I started to panic even more. " No, no". Noah held my hand trying to calm me but Ed stood up looking confused. " What's wrong with calling the cops? ".

Noah and i looked at each other, then Noah looked down trying to tell Ed. " I'm sorry sir, but, i'm wanted".

There were a moment of silence. Everyone looked at each other. I could tell they were confused and lost. But Ed ran to the other room, i think he was getting something.

He came back and through some keys towards Noah. Noah caught it, and he looked confused and the he looked at Ed. Ed smiled and pointed to the back door. " Go, take the truck and go. They're gonna be here any minute ".

We were stunt!

Matilda went to the front door looking towards us. " I'm going to delay them. Now you take good care of this girl. She cares too much about you, i would call it love ".

Really not the perfect time Matilda!

Ed cut it out. " Now go kid, and don't worry about us. The truck is yours. Go".

Noah took a fast look over me then he was frozen keeping his eyes fixed on Ed and Matilda. " Thank you ". That came out of him very honest and touching.

That when i grabbed him. " let's go ".

We went out through the back door heading to the truck. I left my backpack and my jacket. There were no time to go upstairs anyways.

The cops where almost there. So Noah started the engine so fast and pressing so hard on gas. So we were now driving as fast as the truck could go on a soil road in between fields. Leaving the ranch, Ed and Matilda behind us.

It was almost down. And now we got on the highway. I took a look from the back window. " I think we are safe now".

Noah was weirdly silent. His eyes were fixed on the road, his hands were strictly holding the wheel and his body was tensed. I couldn't possibly tell what was on his mind. But i was completely warned.

I couldn't dare to say anything more. I knew he was thinking about something and i was dying to know it. But i think i learnt by now.

If Noah Jones was tensed i should step aside. But one thing i was sure about. He needs me now more than before, or i felt that anyway.


New day for them is coming ahead. And secrets are about to be exposed. 🔥🔥🔥

Be ready guys 😍♥️

Have a good day ♥️

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