Chapter 24

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Lily P.O.V

I didn't want any of this to end. I didn't want to go to that island anymore, or even go back home! I just wanted to stay with Noah.

Noah said that we should keep going if he want both of us to be safe at the end of that road. I only agreed because i didn't want him to lose his job just because i wanna have fun. Not fair anyway.

I was thinking of the decisions i'm going to make when i'm back home. I will stand against my father for my freedom, also i'm going to break up with Lucas. These things where pretty sure by now that i would never hesitate once.

When we left the festival, Noah went back to the motel to see if we left anything behind and to make sure he payed and everything. It was after midnight by far. He decided that we should keep driving to make it to the boathouse by noon.

I leaned on him before, trying to seduce him to spend the next day together and have fun before we go back, but i think he was afraid of things getting more serious between us! We were both worried.  

I stayed in his arms while he was driving, maybe i fell sleep, but i woke up when the sun hit my eyes.

"Good morning, you slept well?" He asked kissing the top of my head. "Good morning, yeah i did". I got up fixing myself.

"Where are we now?". I was still sounding sleepy. Noah reached for a bottle of water and gave it to me. When did he stopped for it?

"Well, i can tell few hours and we'll make it to the port". He didn't sound satisfied but he doesn't have a choice. I'm still a package he should deliver.

I was so frustrated, so i sighed loudly. Noah put his hand on mine. "What's wrong?". I looked at him feeling like i wanted to cry but i couldn't. "I don't want to go home". He looked away but i saw his throat moving. He was nervous.

So he pulled over to the side. He tightened his grip on my hand and looked me in the eyes. "I know. I don't want you to go either, but you have to". He hesitated to continue but he did. "You're engaged, Lily. Let's not forget that fact. And your father would never approve this". Then he pointed at us. My heart sank.

My eyes got teary. "I-I don't care of any of this. Are you saying that if things were different, this could be a thing?". Then i pointed to us.

He put his hand on my cheek, moving his thumb slowly on my skin. "If things were different maybe, but they're not".

I spoke immediately. "I'm gonna break the engagement. It's not a real thing anyway, it's a formal joke that's all, and- ". He put his hand on my mouth. "Lily, stop". He took his hand down, but something was bothering him. He wanted to tell me something but he was fighting not to. His body shriveled and his voice rattled. "This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't supposed to go like this. It's beautiful, but it's wrong".

I was lost for a moment. "I don't understand". I didn't move an inch away from him, but i felt like i won't like what's coming next. He took a deep breath and continued. "I don't usually do jobs like this. I do the dirty works. Your father's dirty works". i think i already knew that or sensed it anyway.

I still don't get what he's trying to say so i just shook my head in misunderstanding, but he wasn't finished yet. "I only accepted this job to get revenge. To hurt your father by hurting you". Am i supposed to understand that!

I was in chock! I couldn't believe him for a second and i thought he was joking, so i smiled to him with tearful eyes. "W-what ar-. Y-you're messing with me, right?"

He was confused as much as i was. "I wish i was but i'm not". My smile faded away. He tried to touch my hand. "Lily, i'm so sorry". But i slowly pulled my hand away, then one thought came up to me. I had to know. "Is- is that why you made me fall in love with you?" I let a tear down.

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