Chapter 12

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The storm was finally down!

After the scream and bad blood like situation, We had a time out. We both were valuing our words, Taking our breaths and thinking deeply.


Noah is wanted! Why? Why would my father send me out with a criminal. A deadly handsome one, but this wasn't the point, right!

focus Lily!

That explain much actually! He was traveling without papers i guess, not that i noticed it at the airport, but he was hiding his face. That makes sense.

He is smart, So he would've called the police from the beginning, Of course if he wasn't wanted.

What did he do anyways!

There were silence between us, and he was starting to walk away again. So i made sure to keep distance with him, and surly keep calm.

" What did you do?". I asked in worry. "excuse me?". And he didn't bother to turn around, he just moved his head to the right a little.

" To be wanted, What did you do?". I was trying so hard to control my tone and not to judge actually.

I wasn't that kind of human who would judge without listening.

" It's a long story. You don't really wanna know anyway".

" I would like to know. Besides, We have all the time don't you think?". I signaled with my hand. Now, we have something to talk about.

He turned so fast to face me, i flenched and stopped when i realized he was an inch away from my face. He got really close and i was worried now. Much worried from my reaction than his.

" Why don't you mind your own business ha?". He noticed the way i was standing and looking at him. He looked me up and down then tightened his eyes. " Are you afraid of me?".

I answered immediately without thinking. " No, of course not". Okay that came out like i was lying. I wasn't! or that what i thought. Then i giggled like a stupid girl. Perfect.

He laughed and was shaking his head in disbelieve. " If i wanted to hurt you, i would've done it way earlier when we were literally in the middle of nowhere". He ended his sentence and turned around to keep walking but it felt like he remembered something so he turned to face me again. " Or i would've just left you to those assholes".

He's so damn right. Now i feel guilty.

I walked right behind him.

" Noah, I'm sorry". That came out of me so soft and shaky. He turned around to face me again but this time with crossed eyebrows!

" What?". I asked. Is he looking at me?
" Shut up". Okay!

He wasn't looking at me but to the flashlights coming way far behind us.

It's a truck!

Perfect. Now what! We're going to be murdered tonight.

Noah held my hand, his hand was so damn cold which made me realize he was freezing but he didn't say anything.

" Keep walking like there's nothing. We don't wanna face the same situation". He said while we were walking like a couple who went out for a night walking or something.

The truck slowed down beside us and the guy called for us.

" Hey you two? Are you lost or something".

Noah took a quick look over him then turned his face back. " No we're fine thanks".

" You know the next town is like miles away, I can give you a ride if you want". He wasn't insisting, he was just a nice old guy.

Noah thought for a while i could say. He looked at me but i didn't have any answer. He is the expert in people.

He leaned to my ears and i took a step ahead. " It was a murder. I'm wanted for a murder". He whispered! And that went right down my spine.

What! Oh my god!

I looked at him with no expressions at all. I think i was coming to a phase where i was fine with everything about him! I felt related. I don't know how but i didn't felt afraid of him at all. I was just amazed by the nerves of him.

So he grabbed me by the hand to get to the passenger seat.

He made me sit next to the old driver and he got next to me.

The man seemed nice, so i sat comfortably putting my backpack on my lab.

And the road trip took it's place again.

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