Chapter 15

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We got in. I went with Matilda to the kitchen to help her, while Noah and Ed went to check on the ranch. Every thing sounded dreamy and fabulous. The food smelled great. Matilda didn't make much kinds of food but everything's looked just perfect. The mashed potato were now ready, along side the green beans and the grilled chicken slices.

Matilda and i were sitting the dinning table up, when she asked me. " So, how long have you been together?". The question didn't actually surprised me since her husband thought we were a married couple, but i took my time to answer that.

" um, actually we're not together ". I said it as if i was sorry! And she answered like she was too. " Oh, i see".

She gave me a big smile and patted my cheek. " you seem like a sweet girl". I thanked her. No one told me that before and she sounded honest. She meant that and i felt warmth growing in my heart. What a lovely family!

We sat the table. Ed and Noah got in by the front door and they were laughing! Noah is laughing! He looked completely different. I wanted to hug that Noah.

I stared at him, and apparently everyone noticed that i was staring except me! Noah looked at my eyes for a second while laughing and then looked away while he was clearing his throat.

" Dinner is ready, let's set, kids ". Ed said cutting the awkward moment that was going on.

Ed and Matilda sat on the heads of the table while me and Noah sat across each other.

The dinner was beyond delicious! I took few looks at Noah and he was enjoying the food. I felt relieved that he finally ate something.

He and Ed kept talking. Noah turned out to be a great talker! I was impressed.

" so, son, you knows about engines? That's pretty good". Ed said after he took a sip of his wine. Noah smiled and my heart melted once again. " Yeah, as i said outside i'll be glad to take a look at your damaged tractor ". He knows about engines! Brand new information about him that i totally like.

Matilda drew a big smile on her face and looked at Noah. " oh, aren't you a nice man. As you can see, we're getting old and those teens out there think it's funny to mess with our tractors and ranch ". I felt sorry for them. Ed continued. " We told the sherif, but it seems like they party somewhere near, every night ". He took a bite of the chicken and then looked at Matilda in love. " Always tasting good honey, thank you ". And then turned back to the topic like nothing just happened. " I mean, we were kids once, right? We never messed with people's properties ".

Noah smiled a half smile as if he just went through his childhood memory. Ed noticed and laughed. " Alright, You did pretty naughty stuff yourself, aren't you? ". And suddenly everyone's eyes got fixed on Noah. He blushed slightly and chuckled. " Yeah, well ".

Of course i couldn't help it. " Well well well, spell the tea ". He looked at me and i think if it weren't for Ed and Matilda who would've punish me by now. I was enjoying myself anyways.

He raised his eyebrows and didn't know where to start. " um, okay, i think i pissed off my neighbors too, every now and then ". I felt like that's not it. Noah Jones probably killed his neighbors! I was about to laugh out loud to the idea but i held it.

" that's it? I can't believe you " i got excited and Matilda decided to embarrass me even more. " seems like someone is too obsessed about you Noah ". I looked at here in disbelieving! Obsessed! Hell no!

" What! N-No! ". They laughed and i was the joke. Perfect!

The rest of the dinner time were fun and full of laughters. It was amazing. I felt home and it seemed like Noah did too.

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