Aria 1

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The void of space was my favorite thing to look at. The never ending expanse twinkling stars in the distinct and the much closer blazing fires of similar stars. The surface of planets passed. Each one different looking, some gas giants, some small dwarf planets all ranging in different colors. A silent nudge in the back of my mind pulled me away from the screen of my small ship.

"Yeah, yeah i know." A sharp nudge urged me to put the ship on autopilot coordinates already locked in. I had a couple hours until we arrived. I wandered out of the cockpit and past my cot. The bay of my small ship was the biggest room currently it had a large bed set up in the corner and a bunch of crates taking up the rest of the space. A Herri was curled up in the corner he got up when he saw me enter. Fei easily came up to my shoulders on all fours, his wide shovel shaped paws padding across the metal floor with a POMF POMF POMF. Fei nudged a mane covered shoulder up against my ribs I could feel a question pressing at the base of my skull. "Yeah I have a few left." I crept over to one of the crates on the left side of the bay and cracked it open, I pulled out a hard fruit and tossed it onto his bed in the corner. He padded over to his bed excitedly and immediately opened his maw to crack open the fruit with his teeth he paused looking up to eye me for a moment a silent question. I shook my head and he huffed and nodded at me in thanks. I smiled and wondered back to my cot crawling in the narrow space and laying down letting my tired eyes droop closed listening to the cracking sound coming from the bay.

A jolt woke me, then alarms. I scrambled head first out of my cot. Another blast rocked the ship to the side I scrambled into the cockpit blocking out Fei's concerned pressing at the back of my mind.

"Status thalia." I barked the displays popped up dash coming to life

"Left rear thruster compromised boss." the ai stated i huffed frustrated

"vultures or the resistance?" I asked shoving my flight helmet over my short locks

"vultures boss." Thalia's voice buzzed in my ear. I sighed.

"Okay, I'm handing over control to you, don't crash my ship darling." I said jokingly

"I'll try not to boss." Thalia responded I felt the ship dip under me as we dropped into a dive. I turned back lifting a trap door I dropped into the lower level. The only gun on the ship was a swiveling gun seat at the bottom of the ship I dropped into the seat and tugged in the jacket I had left in the seat

"The insolation in here sucks." I shivered "thalia remind me to fix that later."

"Sure thing boss." I spotted the ship it dwarfed mine in size but it was a class F ophilia ship, one I had come across before. I sighed i fired two shots at the back thrusters to disable the ship and strand it but not before it got three more shots along the side of my ship

"That skimmed the rear left thruster boss." I cursed the pirate ship swung around and i could see into the cockpit me and the pilot glared at each other the girl in the cockpit had long rabbit like ears and short hair cropped around her face. The thing that caught my attention was the dark skull like markings on her face. We stared each other down for a moment before she said something off to the side and I snapped out of it.

"Thalia take us away from the ship." I ordered

"They are still firing at us boss."

"Then put up the shield." Thalia paused

"The shields are down boss." I cursed

"Okay give me a diagnostic."

"Rear left thruster almost at explosive capacity, shields are compromised currently working at fifteen percent. I suggest landing at a nearby planet servants eight is the most convenient." I grumbled to myself as I climbed out of the swivel gun seat and into the cockpit a thundering sound approached from the by and fei wedged his head into the cockpit. I could hear his tail thrashing against the sides of the short hallway.

"sorry i blocked you out buddy." I rested my hand on his head and let down the mental block. He nudged at me sharply and nipped at my sleeve with his teeth "quit it." I hissed "taking back manual controls." I announced hands flying over the control panels

"i'd suggest landing on serva eight boss." clenched my jaw "if the back thruster bursts in the void of space it will overtake the ship, you have a seventeen percent chance of living through it." I rolled my eyes

"initiating landing sequence." I grumbled "Send out a message to mark, tell him we are under attack I'll message him when we make it out." I shifted the course along the path that Thalia plotted another shot rocked the ship knocking us off course

"we have a problem boss." I scowled

"spit it out thalia." I growled

"both rear thrusters are disabled." my brows furrowed

"I thought the left one was just compromised?"

"it has a sixty percent chance of exploding." I took a deep breath

"I'll take that chance." I bit out and we broke the first layer of the atmosphere and the entire ship shuddered. i mentally urged Fei to go to the back of the ship and he growled at me in response. I shoved at his head with one arm steering with the other "go." I growled at him stubbornly he backed away to where I couldn't reach him. I wheeled around in the seat to glare at him "fei I told you-" just as I started to open my mouth another explosion rocked the ship and we broke the last layer of the atmosphere the force of it threw me into the control panel I swore my ribs catching the brunt of it.

"Boss the left rear thruster is going to blow." Thalia announced just as the ai finished her statement the whole ship lurched to the right I tumbled through the cabin and slammed head first into the control panel the last thing i felt was fei's fearful podding at my consciousness 

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