Aria 3

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I woke to the sound of whimpering. Something rubbed up against my head and I tried to ignore the pounding in the back of my skull.

"Wake, you need to wake cub." an insistent voice purring a rough tongue scraped my hair back from my face. My eyes snapped open and I scrambled back so fast my head spun.

"What- huh-" i looked around wildly only to see Fei lunging towards me pinning me down by setting one large paw down on my chest

"Calm yourself cub, mind your hurts." I locked eyes with the massive herri currently pinning me down. Fei's big orange eyes stared me down.

"Are you talking?"  I shrieked as Fei's claws were digging into my flight jacket. I briefly wondered where my hemet was.

"Our connection was strengthened." fei hummed the feeling of his voice vibrated down my spine he leaned down to lick my hair back from my face again i reached up to push his face away

"No!" I protested "your slobber takes forever to get out of my hair!" fei's ears flicked back.

"Slobber?" he asked just as another person said

"Sorry i tried to stop him." I felt fei fly into defence mode he curled around me facing the voice and growling viciously all of his teeth bared. I sat up slowly, a guy I think, sat twenty feet from me black triangular ears flicking on the top of his head.

"Who-?" my voice cracked. Fei's growls didn't stop. I placed a hand on his side and he quieted slightly. "Who are you?" I looked around at all the trees and the slowly darkening sky "where am i?" he stood and I realised he had a tail swishing behind him.

"Im thane, and you are on Quir." I struggled to my feet Fei let me lean on his shoulder when i swayed on my feet

"Serva eight." I murmured thane grimaced

"We dont call our home planet that, it's sort of offencive." he paused, "so who are you? Why did you crash? And what was that other ship?" I felt myself pale

"Other ship?" he nodded pointing in the direction of the two setting suns

"It went down closer to the city." I felt my hands shake

"Calm yourself cub, they are grounded as well." I cut the herri a glance

"Not helping fei," I ground the heel of a hand into my temple. I looked around groaning when I saw my ship. "My baby is ruined." I whined. I stumbled towards my smoking ship. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I lost the pressure of fei against my ribs and fell to my knees "my home." my voice was small and pained. The cracking of a branch and a growl reminded me exactly where I was and who I was with.

"I can help if you need it." Thane offered "I can take you to my home, my grandmother knows medicines that can help you." fei appeared at my shoulder head dipping to nose at my neck

"If he can help cub, let him." I huffed

"Now you trust him?" fei Let out a hot breath on my neck

"If he says he can help I will let him try, but if he intends to hurt you he won't get the chance." I gave a short laugh that made my ribs ache. I took a deep breath and stood.

"I need to do a few things in the ship before we leave." I limped towards it thane took a few quick strides closer I took half a step back

"Sorry I was just gonna..." he trailed off hands up so I could see them. I nodded like I knew what he was talking about. I turned and stared back into the ship. I paused to scoop up my helmet, not putting it on just holding it. I headed to the cockpit very aware of Thane and feifallowing me closely. I flopped into the pilot's seat and went through all three panels one by one shutting off all of the power in the ship. Slowly all of the humming of the ship died down to silence. I stood in the eerie silence. The ship humm I'd listened to for the past five years was silent. "Are you okay?" Thane asked. I jolted out of my daze

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