Arias Pov 11

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"-just don't open the barrels my nana keeps her wine in them and if you open it before it's ready it will ruin the flavor, she will be furious." I could hear Thane's voice and rolled my eyes could he be more obvious. Perched on my spot on the roof I could hear them looking around in the barn below me. I kept Fei hidden in the woods nearby in case this went sideways.

"There's nothing up here boss." a voice directly below me said. I took all my strength not to flinch out of my skin.

"Fine, let's get out of here, she's obviously not here." she huh? Their leader obviously knew more than she let on

"Fine, let's leave these nice people to their farm then." I watched peaking over the rooftop hood over my head to cover my bright pink hair. They left slowly looking around like they might catch a glimpse of me. I saw Thane come out of the barn and look around a frown on his face. I didn't come down from the roof of the barn for another hour after that.

When I eventually came down, Thane was waiting sitting criss cross in the little patch between the house and the barn. He had a clear view of the barn and the barely noticeable path to the ship. He was staring into his lap when I stepped out one of his big ears twitched and his head snapped up to look at me. He scrambled up so fast he tripped over his own feet he sped towards me in a blur of warm skin and dark hair scooping me up and spinning both of us around. I let out a laugh high and light.

"Where were you?" he set me on my own two feet but didn't let go.

"Definitely not in a barrel I can assure you." I giggled thane flushed a light violet color making me laugh more thane chuckled and pulled me into his chest.

"You scared me aria." I hummed leaning my forehead into his collarbone

"Sorry." I murmured his arms tightened around me

"Am I doing this hunk thing right?" he said in a small voice my brows furrowed and i realised what he meant with a small laugh

"You mean hug? Yes you are doing it right." he set his chin atop my head

"Good, I can see why you terrens do it."


"Its," he paused "nice." I smiled and pulled back

"I'm glad you like it. How did you figure that one out anyway?" his face turned that nice shade of violet again

"I asked my nana about it." I felt the color rise to my cheeks

"Oh." he nodded not looking at my face

"You want breakfast?" his grandmother had appeared in the doorway of the house and looked between the two of us. Her eyes focused on me questioningly. "Well?" surprise flooded me partly mine and partially thane's

"Sure." Thane tossed and arm over my shoulder and we marched towards the house together.

The house was nice, obviously only built for two people; paintings and drawings lined the walls along with the occasional picture I stopped in front of one specific picture. A little boy with dark hair and big fluffy ears with two people the man holding the boy looked like a male version of flara the exact same coloring and tail  the woman however had the same big fluffy ears as thane in a dark brown shade the color of earth after it rained her bright yellow eyes stood out like two suns.

'Those are my parents." I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of thanes voice. Thane wore a sad expression.

"Your mother is beautiful." I said it was the first thing that came to my mind "you look like your dad though." Thane raised a brow and looked down at me.

"Usually people say I look like my mom." I shook my head

"You have the same ears but, You have your dad's markings here" I reached up and brushed a finger along the darker skin running from the tip of his nose to his hair. "And here" I poked the marks at the corners of his eyes gently. He smiled.

"The food is ready!" flara called from the kitchen we both laughed a little before heading to the kitchen. A third stool had been pulled up to the little table for me we all sat down and then immediately dug into his food. Flara wrinkled her nose at him shaking her nose before doing the same but more delicately. The food before me reminded me of the nachos back on terra but alien. Bits of the quir equivalent of bread and vegetables covered in something that vaguely reminded me of the frosting but a light purple color. I cautiously took a bit of it. The taste was a cross between that of apple pie and a cinnamon roll. It reminded me so much of my time on terra with my parents that tears sprang to my eyes. I took another bite and sniffled into my food. Thane's head snapped up and I cursed his sharp hearing.

"What's wrong?" he asked concern furrowing his brow

"Nothing." I sniffled and took another bite chewing slowly

"Liar, is it the food?" We stared at each other for a long time before I nodded and reached for my bowl. I snatched it away, taking another bite. "What is wrong?" thane tried again

"Nothing!" flara looked in between us

"I'm sorry if I upset you, I thought something that tasted like it was terren would make you happy." She seemed sheepish. More tears flooded my eyes and I had to set the bowl down. Thane snatched it away before i could protest

"No- you- i-" I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes "its okay, it did remind me of terra, thank you so much flara." her expression hardened suddenly

"Your welcome, thaneios let her finnish her food." thane set the bowl back down in front of me after inspecting my expression. I finished the first bowl quickly. Flara got me a second and then a third she vaguely muttered something about where the food went. After flara kicked me out of the house I spent the day in the clearing sunbathing with fei.

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