Aria's Pov 21

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I'd already spent a week with the sova and I had to admit they were efficient. My stitches got infected my fourth stay here and their medical staff had it taken care of in less than an hour with a new waterproof banige covering it. That was three days ago. But tonight was different. It was late and everyone else was asleep. I sat in the viewing room a blanket around my shoulders and a delicate silver sphere in my hands.

"Cant sleep huh?" I recognised my brother's voice and I hummed staring out at the stars. Footsteps padded over and stopped next to me. I looked over to see my brother sitting down next to me. "What's that?" I looked down at the silver sphere in my hands.

"An astrosphere." I said gently "it was a present."

"From who?" my brother asked in an equally gentle tone.

"Thane, he's the one who found me when I crashed on quir." I dropped the blanket from my shoulders and pulled up my shirt to reveal the white badniges "I would be dead if not for him." The clean white bandages looked like they glowed in the dark room. "It happened during the crash, he took me back to his house and his nana patched me up." I unfolded the photo of him And held it out theo took it and looked it over.

"He's an imphiel." i smiled

"He is half karqrol and half imphiel." i explained "he's got little markings at the corners of his eyes, sound familiar?" my brother turned to smile at me. I poked one of the little star shaped markings below my brother's eye and stole the picture back from his grasp. I looked back out the window at the stars.

"So what i'm hearing is that this dude looks cool." My brother teased me. He nudged my shoulder with his. "I missed you." I looked over at him, my brown eyes meeting his.

"I missed you too." he smiled.

"Yeah it was dreadfully boring being an only child." i laughed. The picture in my hands crinkled and my heart dropped into my toes.

"I promised him I'd come back." i said looking down at the picture.

"We can go back if you want-" the emergency lights in the entire base flashed red and sirens wailed.

"You had to say it." i got up folding the shere up and shoving it in my pocket. "Come on we have to find dad." the sova had gone into emergency mode. Just like that everyone was awake and scrambling. Everyone had a direction. I sprinted for the meeting room bursting in, the five leaders of the sova were inside my father among them.

"Aria, theo." he waved us over. "There's been a resurfacing of an old empire race. My eyes scanned the holo table and I recognised the ship and the species.

"The abrora." I breathed, my father nodded gravely.

"You don't have to be here for this-" i shook my head.

"I probably know more about them than you do, I can help." my father gave me a puzzled look.

"How would you know more about them?" I raised a brow.

"Where exactly do you think I went after they raided the ship I was on?" my father and brother blanched.

"Aberham who is this girl?" one of the other leaders asked. He had a blue tint to his skin and spiral horns like a ram's protruding from his head.

"Aria kane, my daughter.'' I held out a hand and the man raised a brow but shook my hand anyway.

"I didn't realise I thought she..." he trailed off and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"My being here is a more recent development, but we have more pressing matters?" I gestured to the table. He nodded.

"The abrora have cropped up again not far from their home planet in the cohein system." he pulled it up on the screen and I paled dramatically. I pulled the little sphere out of my pocket and unfolded it delicately.

"Aria..." theo rested a hand on my shoulder. The second closest planet to the sun in the system was quir.

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