Thanes Pov 12

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When the vultures came back the next day I was out in the yard heading towards the barn when they came crashing down the road my heart spiked in my chest and I had a feeling aria felt it because i got a wave of calm in response.

"Liar!" howled one of the vultures the lead one snarled striding towards me I stumbled

back but she caught me by the front of my shirt. Her goons cackled behind her. I counted five of them.

    "You have some explaining to do." she snarled her sharp teeth all too close to my face for comfort.

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I shoved at her but her grip didn't loosen

"Go grab the hag." she snapped at one of her goons. Terror flooded my veins

    "No!" I shouted lunging at the one heading towards the house only to be yanked back "nana run!" I screamed. "Leave her alone!" I snarled. The red colored vulture sent to get her sprinted towards the house. The lead vulture shook me to get my attention. My hands were locked around her wrists at this point and I glared up at her.

    "Now that I have your attention where is the little brat that wrecked my ship?" her intense red eyes bore into mine "and don't lie i'll know if you are." one of her long ears lifted.

    "I told you I never saw the ship!" I shouted.

    "Liar!" she snarled.

    "I don't know anything about a pilot!"

    "Lies!" her mouth twisted into a sick smile. She fists wound tighter into my shirt her knuckles dug into my chest.

    "I'm telling you I don't know anything about her!" everything froze for a fraction of a second before she shoved me to the ground and stood on my leg pinning me into place.

    "I never mentioned the pilot was a girl." she said with a wicked smile dread flooded my expression. I looked around quickly and the red vulture wasn't back from the house yet I counted three vultures in front of me. My brows furrowed there were four last time I checked. "I'm going to give you one more chance to tell me." the foot on my leg pressed down a breath hissed through my teeth. "Where. Is. she?" she punctuated each word by pressing down more until a gasp escaped my mouth. I saw something flash through the trees towards the furthest vulture and I had to hold back a smile.

    "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."  fei was creeping up on the last vulture and aria stood behind the woman standing on my leg.

    "Tell me!" she roared

    "Boo." Aria said before swinging the pan I faintly recognised as one of my nana's at her head. I knew exactly how heavy that thing was from experience and I couldn't help the grimce that painted my features. Aria dropped it once she was sure the woman was unconscious.

"Do you have any rope?" she asked breathlessly

It took us thirty minutes to get all of the vultures rounded up and tied up bound at the elbows knees and ankles at arias request.

"Where's my grandmother?" I asked tying off the rope

"In the house safe, I had to get to her first sorry." I smiled up at her

"Don't be." Just as Aria finished tying the last vulture up one of them groaned and my grandmother walked out of the house. Aria waved me off walking over to crouch in front of the vulture with the spines all over her head. I go up and rushed over to my grandmother checking her over

"Are you okay?" she nodded eyeing aira who was talking to the now conscious vulture.

"Thanks to your new friend." I stared at the pink haired girl for a long time

"Yeah." I said softly

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