Thane's Pov 20

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It's been weeks since she left. nana hired someone to help out on the farm or to distract me i couldn't really tell which. Her name was Ena she was full karqrol and was extremely cautious of fei. She claimed he was 'an alien beast bent on killing'. But to be fair fei didn't like her much either. He snarled at her everytime she got too close to him. The first time it happened was the first week she was working with us. We were moving crates back and forth from the barn. Fei was dragging someone along with a rope and she cast him a glance.

"That thing really is a killer isn't it?" Fei gave a loud snarl and she went quiet.

"Nah fei is a lover not a fighter." I cooed rubbing my free hand over the space between his ears. Fei let out a little snort-cough I assumed was a laugh. She had no idea, I had to hold back a snort at the thought.

"I have a question." ena said suddenly. I hummed for her to go on. "Who is in that picture in the house? The one with the weird colored hair." fei stopped moving. I adjusted my grip on the box in case I needed to drop it real fast.

"Dont worry about it, she's just an old friend." ena looked at me like if she stared hard enough i would just tell her.

"Well she's obviously not from quir, does she have something to do with that thing?' she nodded at fei and he snarled at her, flashing his teeth at her. Ena squealed and scrambled back.

"Yes she does, and his name is fei. Don't ask about it again." It took ena three days before she was pestering me about it again. One of these days I was going to let fei loose to get her to stop, I swear.

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