Thane 2

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The sky cracked with a sound like thunder. Every animal in the barn made a fearful sound. I tuned to peer out the doors, ears flicking at the sound. The sight was unlike any landing I'd seen before. Many ships came to Quir for trade or alliances even but they never came down this far from the main cities and never this fast. Two ships streaked down from the sky, the smaller one smoking around the back and it was heading towards the forest the much larger ship headed for the city at a controlled rate smoking less than the first one. The ground shook with the impact of the smaller ship I saw the smoke from where I stood.

"That can't be good." I rumbled

Arriving at the crash sight was odd. Having never seen a ship so up close before. The crash sight looked more like a war zone. The ship laid on its side, it was split open at the back and something was moving. The creature was bigger than anything I knew lived in these woods. It was oddly colored all brown and black the thicker fur around its shoulders was a more golden color. The thing it was dragging however was much stranger. The animal dragged it by the jacket it wore a helmet covered its head and eyes all I could see was pale skin, pink lips and a little nose. I crept closer. The creature must have heard me because it dropped whoever it was dragging and whipped around to growl and stare me down. I froze but not because of the huge snarling creature staring at me but because the helmet came off of the person it was dragging. Short pale pink hair curled around the person's face dark brows were furrowed over the persons closed eyes. Markings danced over their cheekbones shaped like vines curling and uncurling gracefully. I didn't realise I had stepped forward until the strange creature took three large steps towards me snarling and lashing its tail. I froze then took a couple slow steps back. It slowly stopped growling. I took a couple more steps back and sat down, this would be interesting to see play out.

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