Arias Pov 19

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The sova station was quiet when we arrived. The bay was empty except for two people. I hesitated when the hatch opened. I slid out of the ship after Murphy looked back at me. My father was the first to step forward, reaching out to take my face in his hands until I stepped out of reach.

"Aria." his voice was raw i kept all the emotan out of mine

"Murphy." I held out a hand and he tossed the necklace to me. I held it out to my father by the chain, the tags and the delicate wedding ring glinting in the light. "I'm sorry. Mom she-"  my father rushed forward to draw me into a hug holding me to his chest. I gritted my teeth  and shut my eyes.

"I thought I imagined it when I saw you on evray. And then you ran and i-" i wrapped my arms around his ribs.

"I'm sorry." he just held me tighter.

"Me too." he let go and I stepped back.

"Did you tell theo?" my dad frowned and shook his head. I grimace. "How is he?"

"Heart broken." I almost forgot Murphy was here. "He still thinks you are dead, and you didn't tell him she was alive." Murphy was furious. I could feel it simmering in my own veins.

"I didn't want to give him false hope." I frowned at my father. "I even doubted it was you. The only hints i had were a pink haired ahni working on a rig in the kasper system, that's all bumi would tell me." my eyes bugged.

"Wait a hot minute! Bumi? You work with bumi?" my father gave a slow nod

"He's one of us." my jaw dropped and I let out a disbelieving laugh.

"That little mother fu-" a cough interrupted me and I scowled. I took a deep breath. "Just point me in the direction of my brother, i'll talk to him myself." my father and murphy opened their mouths to speak. "By myself." i said firmly.

"Aria-" I glared up at my father.

"You didn't tell him so I will." I let that sink in. "where is he dad?" he clenched his jaw.

"I'll take you to him." murphy spoke up.

"Murphy no." my father said sternly.

"You didn't tell me what i was walking into and you didn't tell theo his sister might have been alive.'' Murphy waved me over and I started following.

"Aria." is topped looking back at him.

"I'm not one fo you dad, and I sure don't follow orders."

We found Theo in what Murphy called the 'viewing room.' It was a room with a huge window overlooking the planet's jungle. Theo sat facing it looking out at the jungle listening to an old terren song I distantly recognised.

"Thanks." I whispered to marcus. He smiled.

"I'll wait down the hall.'' I nodded and quietly passed into the room, I got a couple feet from him and he spoke.

"I don't wanna be bothered right now." I sat down next to him.

"Even by me?" he scowled.

"Look I don't know-" he stopped, eyes locked on my face, then my hair and the markings on my face. "You- aria- how-" i gave a strained smile.

"Hi theo." he reached out and pressed his palm to my cheek his fingers trailing over the markings on my cheekbones

"How are you here? How are you alive? Is- is mom here too?"  my expression fell and theo drew his hand back.

"I'm sorry theo." he shook his head.

"How are you here?" I hesitated.

"I brought her here." We both looked up to see Murphy wandering into the room. He sat down across from us.

"Dad put a bounty on me," I started. "He thought it would be the fastest way to find me." I chuckled a little "it took six diffrent bounty hunters and four years." the book my brother was holding dropped to the floor.

"Dad knew you were alive?" he breathed. He moved to get up but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"He hoped, it's not the same thing. About four and a half years ago i was on evary and he caught a glimpse of me, he put the bounty to bring me in alive just incase.'' I left out the part about the informant my father had on the rig. "He wasn't sure until Murphy brought me back." Theo relaxed but the tension remained in his brow.

"He never told me about that." I leaned into his side and he let me.

"He didn't want to get your hopes up." theo sighed.

"When did mom..?" I looped my arm through his.

"She didn't make it past mars, she was trying to protect a little terren kid." I felt him tense and cuddled into his side.

"At least you are here." he murmured quietly. I hummed.

"Yeah, I'm right here."

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