Aria 25

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"I need a ship." murphy gave  me a concerned look.


"She wants to go after thane." my father appeared at my shoulder. "You aren't going." I bristled.

"I told thane-"

"I know what you told him and you shouldn't make promises you can't keep aria." a smirk carved onto my face and i laughed

"That's funny!" I pointed a finger at him and smiled my teeth bared. "You obviously don't remember the last thing you said to me if you are saying that." I walked out of the control room and into the hall looking around.

"You aren't going aria and that's final. We need you here and we need Thane as an informant." I rounded on him and my father took one quick step back right into the doorway.

"You don't get to tell me what to do aberham, not after all you have done." my father looked confused.

"What Are you talking about?" The grin dropped into a stony expression and I stood straight.

"The bounty you placed on me? You found me at the cost of me being hunted down for no reason for four years. Do you have any idea what that is like? How many did you send after me? I only ever caught six." my father paled.

"Caught?" ever since arriving at the sova base all i had worn was long sleeves and pants theo was the exception.

"Bounty hunters aren't nice.'' I stormed towards my room.

"Aria!" murphy chased after me. "Please wait!" I ducked into my room grabbing my small bag of things. "You really can't go. not now, we need you on comms, you know quir and thane better than anyone." i huffed stuffing a pair of pants into the bag

"Like any of you could stop me if you tried." i growed. I snatched up the hoodie thane gave me and hesitated before stripping off my flight jacket and stuffing that into the bag instead.

"Oh my god." I had one arm in the hoodie when Murphy gasped.

"What?" I turned to see him looking up and down my arms and back with horror, I was suddenly very aware of the tanktop I was wearing.

"Aria how-?" I yanked on the hoodie leaving the clasps in the front open, I slung the bag over my shoulder.

"Quit gaping at me.'' I brushed past him and made a beeline for the ship he brought me here in.

"Aria wait you can't even open it..." he trailed off when I pressed the sequence to open the hatch.

"Aria!" a voice boomed. I could see my father storming into the hanger from where I perched on the side of the stingray.

"Dad stop!" Theo was running after him but my father didn't stop. I dropped my bag in the stingray slid down the side and strode to meet him halfway.

"You are not going anywhere, this is not up for debate." my father said in a low voice i could feel the rage simmering in his veins but it only fueled the fire.

"We've been through this, i'm not one of your little sova,' i gestured to the growing crowd watching us. "And i've been on my own since the fall of terra, i can take care of myself you made sure of that." guilt flashed through him.

"I just want to keep you safe, why can't you see that?" i stepped back expression stoney

"I don't need protecting."  he waved to someone behind him.

"I'm sorry but we already lost your mother to them. I will not lose you too." two sova headed towards me and i tensed.

"Im sorry too." surprise filtered through him and I let go.

Every feeling I had ever bottled up inside was let loose anger hurt bitter sadness and unspeakable rage. Everyone in the room crumpled under the pressure. I climbed into the sting ray and started it up.

"Aria wait!" my brother stood there struggling to fight it off, of course he would be more resistant to it. "Take me with you!"

"No!" my father roared from where he lay on the ground. I nodded and offered him a hand up. My brother took it and I pulled him up into the cockpit. I closed the top and guided us out of the hanger and we were out of orbit in less than an hour.

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