Chpt 1~drifting

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Ever since the 17th August.

Eddie watched as Richie and Connor started to hang out ever since they met at the arcade. They would go town, hang out at the quarry and Richie would even chose Connor to work with in class, not Eddie or Stan.


Eddie felt like he was slowly becoming a memory in Richie's mind. Yes, they still spoke. Yes, Richie still sat with them at lunch. Yes, the 7 of them would still meet. But Richie was different, and Eddie picked that up straight away.

Normally, Eddie would be the first person that Richie asked to go to the arcade with him. Although Eddie didn't play Street Fighter with him, he would still watch for hours. He would watch as Richie's face become more and more angry at the stupid game, he would watch Richie's fingers aggressively press on the buttons, he would even sometimes join in. Richie liked Eddie being there with him, Eddie liked it too. But now, he didn't even bother to ask anymore. Richie just asked Connor to go with him.

"What do you mean you can't come? You promised me that you will study with me and Stan today," Eddie moaned, on the phone to Richie.

"I know, i know. Sorry, but me and Connor are just hanging out at the arcade today.. Hope you don't mind." Eddie sighed at the name.

Connor? Really?

"Ye-I mean, no. I don't mind at all."

"Cool, thanks Eds."

"Don't call me tha-" Before Eddie could finish his sentence, Richie had already hung up the phone. Of course he would. Of course he would rather carry on playing Street Fighter with Connor than listen to Eddie complain about the nickname.

The nickname that Eddie always complained about, but always kind of liked it.

Eddie placed the phone back down and ran upstairs to his room to where Stan was still studying. As Stan looked behind him to meet eyes with the smaller boy, he asked "is Richie coming soon or what?"

"Nah, he's busy with Connor. Again," Eddie huffed as he took a seat on the end of his bed, pulling out a handful of books to work on.

"Again? He done this last time," Stan sighed quietly. "He better still be coming to the sleepover on Friday."

"He will come, ill make sure of it Stan."

"You sure? What if he brings Connor, or just leaves us to hang out with him once again."

"It wouldn't surprise me, but sleepovers on friday night is the losers thing. Richie is a loser with us, not Connor." Stan nodded his head at the boy and then carried on focussing on the work.

"Lets just shut up for now and pay attention to studying Eds, we've got a test tomorrow," Stan added as he signalled Eddie to sit at the desk with him. Eddie did so, he took a seat next to Stan and they both began to focus hard on their studying.

Eddie loved the nickname Eds as he thought it was cute, although he didn't show it. But, it was different when Richie called him that. But Eddie couldn't put his finger on it.

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