Chpt 55~runaway

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After that argument shared between a few of the losers, Eddie was planning avoiding each and every one of them when school finally arrived. Even Bill, Mike and Ben who weren't involved in it.

Right now, Eddie was laying comfortably in bed on that Saturday evening while peacefully reading one of his comics. He had received a call from Mike and a call from Ben that day, he ignored them.

"Eddie bear, dinners ready!"

Eddie cringed at the croaky voice that belonged to his mother, he even flinched at the sudden loud voice.

"Coming momma," he bellowed back as he dragged himself out of his warm bed and made his way slowly downstairs to accompany his mom on the dinner table.

"So Eddie bear, have you been taking all your pills?"

Of fucking course she would ask that. No 'are you okay?' or 'have you been feeling well recently?' Of course she asks about my pills first of all.

"Yes ma," he bluntly responded once he got settled on his seat.

"That's good then." She took a mouthful of her soup and then a small sip of her cup of water. "You don't look well dear, you've been laying around alone in bed for an awfully long time. Are the pills working good?"

"Yes, the pills are working fine momma," Eddie sighed. "I just feel tired, that's all."

"Well then, you should be able to get a good amount of sleep tonight."

There was silence, the only sound was Eddie and Sonia sipping on their soup. It was peaceful for Eddie, up until the loud noice of the phone ringing that startled the boy a bit.

"I'll get that dear," Sonia insisted as she saw her son begin to stand up off his chair. "I need you to eat up quickly."

The lady made her way to the phone, Eddie could hear her hum blunt responses like 'yes' and 'mhm' and 'okay'.

"Eddie bear, it's for you," she finally spoke as he pulled the phone away from her ear and passing it towards him.

"Okay," Eddie replied as he got up out of his seat and took the phone from his mothers hand, placing it against his ear. "Hello?"


"Bill, i'm busy," Eddie huffed. "I'm eating dinner."

"Eddie, s-sss-stop avoiding us. Well, at least m-muh-me."

"I'm not."

"Please can i c-cuh-come round? I w-want to t-tttt-talk to you."

"Is it about Stan? Or Richie? Or Bev? If yes, then it's a no."


The phone ended by Eddie harshly pressing the end button with his finger. He placed it back to hang on the wall and walked over to finish his dinner.

"What did your Bill friend want to say Eddie bear," asked Sonia.

"Nothing important momma."

Time passed quickly and Eddie was placing all his dishes into washing up bowl. He was also doing the same with his mothers dishes seen as she couldn't be bothered to get up from her seat, she had her face shoved into the newspaper.

Once the dishes were placed into the washing up bowl, Eddie was about to make his way up the stairs again before he heard the knock on his front door.

"Will you get that dear, i can't bear to stand up at this moment of time," his mom bellowed from the dinner table.

Eddie just rolled his eyes as he made his way to the door, pressing his hand firmly on the door knob and turning it slowly. He opened the door slowly as well, revealing Bill standing on the front step looking pissed off.

"Bill, i told you-"

"I know wh-what you t-tt-told me Eddie, just listen," Bill stuttered. Eddie looked back to see his mother still having her attention into the newspaper, he just looked back and walked outside to stand on the door step with Bill, closing the door behind him quietly.

"What is it?"

"I want to know w-www-what the fuck happened t-tuh-today," Bill responded with his arms crossed.

"I told you that i don't want to speak about Richie or Bev or Stan, okay?"

"Okay f-fff-fine," Bill huffed. "But at least t-ttt-tell me whu-where Richie could b-be."

"He's not at home?"

"N-no, i checked they q-qq-quarry and the arcade. All around t-ttt-town for that matter."

"He's probably just sitting somewhere thinking, i'm not sure Bill." Eddie reached his hand out to grab the door knob again, ready to open the door but got stopped by Bill grabbing his hand.

"Eddie, i'm w-www-worries."


"When he got up and l-luh-left, he looked s-sss-so down, he looking l-like he was g-guh-gonna break down any s-second," he explained.

"Why do you think he was like that?"

"We all k-kk-know about you and R-r-ruh-fuck."


"Y-yes, thanks," Bill responded with a smile.

"Of course you all know about us now, but why do you think Richie looked so down?" Eddie was getting inpatient, he was expecting his mother to come barging out any second now. "Is it because me and Stan kissed? Because i swear-"

"No Eddie, i thu-think it's more that he b-buh-believes that the k-kkk-kisses you and h-him have are worth nothing, j-jjj-just like you and S-stu-Stan's were."

Eddie stood there for a while, mostly going over the look on Richie's face when Stan said about then kissing. His face dropped, no funny jokes made. No funny faces or laughing. He just sat in silence as he heard Stan reveal the truth. But it wasn't the truth, the truth was that Eddie kissed him because it pulled the stress off of him. The stress was about Richie.. He likes Richie, the kisses are meant something.

"When did you go to his house?"

"I went earlier on b-but when he wasn't h-huh-home, i chu-checked everywhere. He s-sss-still isn't home."

"Okay," Eddie replied. "I'll tell my mum that i'm staying round yours to study for a test on Monday, okay?"

"S-suh-sounds good."

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