Chpt 51~im here

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Now, it was Friday. The day of the party, the day that Richie was going to climb through Eddie's window and try to find out why he's been acting so different.

Eddie wasn't going to the party, Bev was sure of it.

[at school]

Bev and Eddie were heading to their first period on that Friday. The bells had just rung and the hallways were cleared, Eddie hated the fact that he was late. Bev on the other hand, she at least knew that she could speak to Eddie.

"Hey Eddie," she spoke softly while tapping him gently on the shoulder. He stopped in his paths while he realised the girl had stopped walking. His eyes furrowed and his patient laying thin.

"Bev, we're gonna be lateeee," he pleaded.

"Just make up an excuse, it's not like you'll get in trouble because of this," she insisted in defence.

"How would you know that?"

"You're never late! Besides, Richie is late all the time but he never gets a detention because of it."

"He always gets detentions!"

"Yes, because of his lack of paying attention in class," she groaned as her body leaned against a random locker. "I just want to talk to you, 5 minutes top."

Eddie huffed i'm response, shooting a glaring look before replying with a simple "fine."

"I wanted to ask if you're okay with going to the party today?" She watched Eddie's mouth drop slightly so it was shaped like an 'o'. Although, he tried his best to not image Patrick at that time.

"Nah, i'm not going. I already told Stan this, didn't he tell you?"

"Nope, why aren't you going to the party?"

"What is this? A fucking interview or some shit?" Eddie let out a chuckle, it didn't show much emotion to it though.

"Just andere the question," the girl demanded, her patience was also laying thin.

"I just don't want to? Last party went like shit, i don't wanna deal with drunk teenagers surrounding me anyways."

"Fair enough," she replied. "The sleepover isn't happening by the way, i have no clue why."

"Mhm, that's cool. I'll just stay at home then, don't both me," the boy shrugged.



"You can talk to me, any of the losers in that matter.. You seem down lately and i-"

"I'm fine Bevvy," he cut in quickly. "The only problem i have is that we're late to class so let's go." He grabbed hold of the girls arm and pulled her along the hallways towards their class, both giggling like mad.

"Alrighttttt Eddie," she laughed before they arrived to class. "But you know who you can talk to?"

"Uh- who?"

"Richie," she kindly replied, sharing a soft and heart-warming smile to the boy. "He's been through his trauma with his parents and Connor and that.. He would understand if anything happened-"

"Nothing happened for fuck sake! Can you stop treating me like a baby now and let me go to class?"

She smiled sympathetically at him before nodding, they both made their way to the classroom in silence. Eddie didn't want to talk, Bev did. But she knew she shouldn't, Eddie was hurting and she didn't want to push it.

[present time]

Eddie and Richie were walking home after their long day at school, silence filled the air. Well, before Richie filled the silence with an attempt to start a conversation.

"Sooo Eds, you not going to the party?"

"Nope," he bluntly replied.

"Oh.. Okay," Richie replied, furrowing his eyebrows in response to the boy's bluntness. "Why ask me to walk you home if you're not gonna talk to me?"

Eddie wanted to tell Richie the truth, he wanted to tell him that he was scared that Patrick would do the shit he did the other night again. Eddie knew that Richie had gone through worse shit, and Richie trusted Eddie with that information.

Eddie did trust Richie, he trusted Richie with all his heart. But he felt pathetic to tell him that he didn't do anything. He just sat and stayed quiet, he let Patrick take advantage of this.

He felt weak.

"Uh well-" Eddie's words got stuck in his throat, unable to think of what to say.

"Relax dude, i'm just joking," Richie softly spoke.

There was silence once more, Richie thought that maybe he should leave it silent. But he didn't, he wanted to speak to the boy. "You gonna stay home while the rest of us party? You should probably revise for the calc test next week."

"Yeah," Eddie replied. "I will, you can all let me know how the party goes on after?"

"You know it!"

"By the way," Eddie suddenly spoke, he turned to face Richie. Richie turned to face the boy straight after, giving him a soft smile.

"What is it Eds?"

"Sorry for.. Snapping at you at the quarry, i don't know what got over me." Eddie let out an awkward laugh while rubbing nervously at the back of his neck.

"It's cool," Richie replied.

The two carried on walking towards the Kaspbrak residence. After about 5 or 10 minutes, they finally arrived.

Richie said his goodbyes and they parted ways, although he didn't go to meet the others at the party.. He didn't go back home, he didn't even want to talk to anyone while he waited for the right time to climb up through Eddie's window.

Richie made his way to the quarry, sat down on the cliff and let his eyes admire the calming water below. He admired the stars that reflected from the water. He admired the soft waves that came now and then. He admired it as he dropped little pebbles down and admired how they landed with a slight splash, the water rippling after the pebble hit the surface.

As Richie finally got pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of an owl nearby, he looked at the time on his watch. It read..

7:56 pm

The party would have been going on for about half an hour so far, perfect timing for Richie to finally lift himself up and walk towards Eddie's house.

The walk seemed to drag on for ages, his feet kicking rocks around as he trudged some more. And more, and more, and more until.. she was finally at the Kaspbrak household once against.

Richie lifted his gaze to look up at Eddie's window, the lights were on. Obviously he could only see the ceiling from down below, but once he decided to throw a couple pebbles up there... He knew that he would soon hopefully see Eddie.


The sound of pebbles hitting Eddie's windows led to Eddie's shoving his head out of his books and turning to look at the window.


"The fuck?" Eddie spoke to himself as he rested his book on his desk, lifting himself of his seat and making his way to the window.

He was surprised to see Richie Tozier standing on his front lawn, it was a daily sight he got to experience every now and then.

"What happened to the party," Eddie asked as he lifted the window up and peeked his head through.

"Didn't go," Richie yelled back. "Can i come in?"

"Uh.." Eddie took a look around his room, it was tidy. Like always. The only thing that wasn't neat was his books that were unevenly spread on his desk. "I guess so? Just be quiet while getting up i guess."

Richie shot a smile at the boy. "Thanks Eddie Spaghetti."

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