Chpt 58~awkward

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Later that day, Eddie found himself hurrying to leave his house. Sonia was sat on the couch peacefully until she saw Eddie rushing down the stairs, a packed bag held in one of his hands.

"Eddie-bear," she frowned. "I haven't spoke to you since you got back from school dear, how are you?"

"I'm good ma, i'm going to Bill's for a sleepover though," Eddie bluntly replied, struggling to get on his shoes in the process.

"I was going to ask about watching a movie with me? Maybe even—"

"Listen ma," Eddie cut in as he got to the front door, his hand having a grip onto the doorknob. "I've already agreed to going, maybe another day."

"I do so much for you," Sonia harshly replied, gritting her teeth. "Not one night?"

"No, i'm going now." Eddie opened the door and rushed to close it behind him. He scrambled onto his bike and began to ride away, he could faintly hear the "Eddie bear!" coming from inside his house. But he ignored it.

Once he reached to Bill's house, he could hear the voices of the losers from inside. Especially Richie's, which he hated. He also hated that Bev was bringing a girl named Courtney as well, he always hated meeting new people, he was always shy.

But after waiting a few seconds after knocking on the door, Mike answered. "Eddie! You're here!"

"Yeah," Eddie laughed weakly. "Am i late or—"

"Oh no," Mike laughed while letting Eddie through. "Either you are late, or everyone was just early".Eddie let out a weak laugh as the two of them made their way down to the basement.

The first thing Eddie noticed was Richie sat next to Bill. He also noticed Courtney and Bev sitting on the sofa, Stan next to them while listening to their girly conversation. Ben was interested in whatever was playing on the TV.

Eddie just realised, about the argument. That's why Stan, Bev and Richie weren't sitting together. Because of that fucking argument.

"Eddie," Ben greeted as he moves his attention away from the TV. "You came!"

"That's what she said," Richie mumbles under his breath. Eddie just ignores it and faces to Ben. "Yeah, i am."

"Great, now we can get to watching this movie that i brought!"

Eddie made his way towards where Ben was sat, he took a seat on the floor next to him. It was quite comfortable, there was a thick blanket below them. Mike sat and joined them.

"We haven't been able to get his attention away from the TV," Mike laughed. "Since you came, so well done."

Eddie and Ben both laughed while the others seemed to be in their own world, ignoring them almost.

"Who else is watching the movie," Mike then called while Ben was getting it ready.

"Me and Courtney are talking about some shit, maybe we'll join you in a bit," Bev called back.

"I'll watch," Stan muttered as he hopped onto the couch, ignoring Eddie's presence.

"Me and R-ruh-rich will join you g-guys," Bill stuttered.

Everyone got in their places apart from Bev and Courtney (who were sitting at a table while doing each other's nails and chatting). Richie, Stan and Bill were all sat on the sofa whereas Eddie, Mike and Ben were sat on the floor.

The movie had started and Eddie could already feel himself become too hot, he needed air. Fresh air. Along with how hot it was in the room, Mike and Ben seemed too close to him. Not like they meant it, they were always this close. But tonight it felt different.

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