Chpt 20~realisation

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The last couple days of school passed fairly quickly, although not for Eddie. He wanted to go up to Richie and talk to him, but he was always with Belch and that lot. Eddie did not want to be caught by them after running away the other day, so he just hid in the library with Ben most of the time.

Eddie still wondered what happened after Richie met with the others after running after him, he just guessed that Richie told them that he didn't find him. So, he just left it as that.

"Eddie bear," called Eddie's mother from downstairs.

"Yes mommy?"

"I'm leaving to go to Aunty's house dear, i'll be back tomorrow early in the morning."


Eddie heard the door slightly open, but before the door closed. His mother called up to him one more time. "Make sure you take all your pills dear. And no friends round, unless it's Bill or Ben."

"Okay mommy," he called back and then heard the door slam shut. His mother always liked Ben and Bill because they were mature, but she always held a grudge against the others. Bev because she was a girl, Stan because of this one time she heard him say about how stupid the pills were, Mike because she was slightly racist and then Richie. She hated Richie for a lot of reasons, mainly because of his trash mouth.

After Eddie heard the car start up at the front and then drive away, he laid back onto his bed. He felt sleepy but wasn't able to get comfortable enough to fall asleep, so he decided to read a book.

He would've called to ask Bill over but he had Beverly over and they were talking about some shit.

{ a/n bill and bev were talking about when bill asked her if he could kiss her at the sleepover, you will find out more soon }

Eddie also would've invited Ben but, actually no. Eddie wouldn't invite Ben over without the others because he would just want to study, it would be boring. So instead of inviting anyone over, Eddie just sat and read his book.

For about an hour until he started hearing a wierd pinging noice.

"What the fuck," he murmured to himself as he sat up off his bed, placing his book down on the desk.

Eddie walked towards the window as he instantly flinched when a small object hit the glass. "What the fuck?!"

He quickly opened the window and leant down to look to see who threw the object.

It was fucking Richie Tozier.

"What the fuck are you doing here," called Eddie to the lanky boy who stood on his front lawn.

"I'm here to talk to you, can i come in?"

Eddie didn't answer, he just walked away from the window to let him know to climb through the window.

As Eddie was standing by the end of his bed, he saw Richie stumble over his window sill and fall onto the floor. "Not gonna help me Eds?"

"No," Eddie replied bluntly as he then sat on his bed, Richie got up and sat next to him.

"I'm guessing your mum isn't here," Richie spoke to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Mhm, how did you know?"

Richie only knew because of the car missing at the front but decided to throw in a little joke.

"She was round my house before i left, you know how it is. Me and her do be-"

"Get out," Eddie ordered without an annoyed tone in his voice. Richie just laughed, he knew Eddie wasn't being serious.

"Why are you actually here?" Eddie asked.

"To see if you're okay Eds.."

"You're the one who got sexually assaulted." Richie stayed quiet, hoping that Eddie would continue. He did.

"I'm the one who basically forced you to tell me, i thought you hated me," he confessed.

"I don't hate you. I've been a dick to you and the losers, especially you.."

"especially me?"

"Yeah, i shouldn't have laughed at what Belch said when that boy touched you.. And when him and Victor were picking on you, i should've stuck up for you," Richie confessed, he slowly moved his body so he facing Eddie properly now. Richie wanted to show that Eddie had his full attention this time.

"I don't think i can forgive you for being a dick, maybe i could try get it past me i guess. Only if you stop hanging out with them."

Richie stopped for a moment and thought about what Eddie said, and then opened his mouth to reply. "I'll try, but Connor is still my boyfriend. I'll still need to hang around with them."

"You don't.. Need to," Eddie shrugged.

"Why do you hate him so much Eds," asked Richie. He pulled Eddie up so they were both sitting opposite each other, criss crossed.

"I don't hate him.. He just gives me a bad vibe," Eddie laughed.

"Wow Eds," Richie laughed back. "Well you or the losers don't need to talk to him, but i still will."

Eddie just shrugged to tell him "okay". Then, he felt Richie hug him tightly, whispering "thanks eddie" into his ear.

This made his heart flutter, why?

Richie pulled away from the hug, noticed Eddie's eyes looking straight into Richie's. They drifted down onto Richie's lips then back up to his eyes, he was silent.

Then, Richie felt startled when Eddie began to slowly lean in to Richie's face.

Then, their lips were touching. Only for a couple seconds though until Richie quickly pressed his hand on Eddie's chest and pushed him away.


Eddie quickly stumbled out of his bed and scrambled his way to where his inhaler sat on his desk. He quickly took a few puffs and controlled his breathing, then looked up to see Richie standing next to him.

"Why did you do that e-"

Eddie quickly cut Richie off, "Do what? I didn't d-do anything."

"You sure? Because your lips just touched mine.."

Eddie's body froze in place, he quickly sat down at his desk and buried his head into his hands. Whimpering quietly, not too quiet that Richie could hear his little sniffles.

"I'm sorry," Eddie quietly whimpered with his head still dug into his hands.

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