Chpt 45~images

890 22 6

*beep beep*

Eddie woke up to the sound of his alarm repeatedly going off. He turned it off and rolled the covers off of his body.

"You're up!"

Eddie was startled by the voice of Richie from across his room, he turned his head quickly to see him sat on his desk. "What the fuck Rich? What are you doing here? How did you get in?"

Richie let out a laugh before hopping off the desk and walking towards Eddie's bed. "Relax Eds, your window was open. And i wanted to talk to you."

"Okay.." Eddie slowly pulled himself up so he was sitting on his bed, he patted next to him to signal Richie to sit by him. Richie did so, he took a seat and slowly picked at his shirt.

"You okay Rich?"

"Yeah but i heard something.. It may scare you so yeah," Richie murmured.

Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and looked to Richie, giving him a confusing look. "What is it?"

"I heard.. Patrick is back, i'm not sure if it's true though.." Eddie gulped and felt goosebumps as soon as he heard the name. It was true, Eddie wished he could tell Richie what happened. But he felt scared, too scared to tell anyone. He was worried of what Richie might do if he found out, so he decided to stay quiet about that.

"Oh.. Probably rumours," Eddie bluntly replied.

"Yeah.. Just stay safe, just in case," Richie softly spoke as he tapped Eddie on the back. "I don't want anything happening to you."


There was silence after that, Eddie didn't want to talk more about Patrick. He knew it would cause him to break down if he carried on imagining what happened last night.

"Uhh- is that all you wanted to talk about? We're supposed to meet the group in a bit at the quarry," Eddie broke the silence, his voice sounded a bit different but Richie ignored it.

"No.. Actually. I felt bad about something.."

"About what?"

"Well, you've told me you liked me. Yeah?" Eddie just nodded in response, he turned his head as he was scared for the rejection. But he felt Richie's fingers hold onto his jaw, pulling his head so he was facing Richie once again. "What are you-"

"What does it mean if i want to kiss you.. Like, every time i look at your lips. Not just your lips but you in general, i like when we kiss Eds.."

Eddie didn't say anything, his words were stuck in his throat. "Uh- i-" Eddie could only say that much until Richie slightly moved his head closer.

Their lips didn't touch just yet, their foreheads did though. He could see Richie's eyes wonder down at Eddie's body, back up to his lips, and back up to make eye contact with him. "Can i kiss you?"

Eddie was shaking, this reminded him of what Patrick was doing. Their faces close together, Eddie being able to smell the scent of cigarettes each time Patrick breathed. But he wanted this, he wanted to kiss Richie. So he nodded in response.

He watched Richie part his lips, then watched his hands hold gently onto his waist. They were both sat on his bed, both of them had his legs crossed.

Then, Richie leaned in quickly and their lips were connected. Eddie felt his stomach twist as he felt Richie's soft lips press against his own.

Eddie had no clue where to put his hands, he just placed them by his side as he let Richie take control. At first the kiss was slow, but it got faster. Their lips moving in perfect sync.

Eddie wanted to enjoy the moment, he enjoyed the feeling of kissing Richie Tozier. But he couldn't get Patrick out of his head. He couldn't top imagining Patrick being in this position.

"giving him a quick blowy?"
"Don't think this is over!"
"dirty little secret.."

Eddie just kept imagining Patrick's hands holding tightly onto his waist. He then imagined when Patrick let his hand feel on his thigh, slightly getting closer and closer to his area.

He quickly pulled away from the kiss, pressing his hand on Richie's stomach and pushing him away.

"What's wrong Eds? Did i do something wrong?"

"N-no, i just-"

"If i did something wrong, i'm sorry.."

Eddie quickly hopped off the bed, getting away from Richie's hands which were still holding onto his waist. He rushed over to his door and opened it.

"Eds? What did i do-"

"Nothing Richie! I need to have a shower and then we can meet the others," Eddie quickly interrupted.

"I'm sorry if i went too far with the touching.."

Eddie turned his head to face Richie, forcing a smile to the lanky boy who sat confused on the end of Eddie's bed. "I'm fine Rich, just leave it."

And with that, Eddie left the room and strolled off to the bathroom in a hurry. He quickly undressed and got in the shower.

He did need a shower, yes.

But he also needed time to think and relax, a shower was perfect to calm his nerves.

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