Chpt 4~spinning

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The bottle continued to spin and spin and spin until it finally stopped. The bottle was pointing at Mike. Obviously this wasn't a big deal to Richie, same with Mike.

The two of them simply went into the closet for 7 minutes and just had a chat until the time was up, now it was Bill's turn.

"Bill, spin the bottle then," moaned Eddie as he was getting bored already.

"Okay f-fff-fine." Bill took a hold of the bottle and span it round until it was pointing at Stan. This surprised both of them but Richie knew what he would do, so did Bill. Although Richie didn't tell Bill what their plan was, Bill had already caught on.

"I ref-refuse," Bill instantly spoke. "No offence S-sss-stan."

Stan did seem quite confused at the sudden reaction from Bill but ignored it, he just replied with a simple "it's okay."

On the other hand, Richie was quick to decide. "Bill. Big Bill. Bill my main man."

"Just g-get on with it," Bill laughed.

"Okay, i chose you to go into the closet with Beaverly." It made Bill embarrassed of how obvious Richie was being but pretending to pay no attention.

"Why are you choosing for him?" Their attention went to the red head who seemed confused at Richie's sudden demands.

"Because i'm on his right, i chose because he refused with Stan," Richie spoke back with a grin. Beverly didn't seem too bothered, neither did Bill but he was. He was fucking freaking out.

"Okay, go on then," Eddie quickly spike as he pointed to the closet. Bill and Bev both made their way to the closet and closed the door behind them, Mike started the timer.

The 5 losers all had a laugh whereas in the closet, Bill was trying his hardest to get as close to Bev as possible. Although, he was being gentle and making sure she knew that he wasn't going to hurt her. Considering what happens with her father, the last thing Bill wants is to scare her.

"So, pretty wierd that Richie chose me ain't it," she joked in an attempt to start a conversation.

"Y-yyy-yes it is, i wonder what Richie and Mike did," Bill replied calmly.

"Probably just chat."

Bill looked over to her at that moment and although it was dark, he could still see a glimpse of her face. He was so close to leaning in and kissing her right then and there but he was too pure to be that sudden, especially to a girl who had to deal with her (sexually) abusive father. So instead, he did something that he never knew he would have the balls to say.

"Would it b-bb-be okay if i k-kkk-kuh-kiss you b-bb-bev?"

Bill was stuttering like mad, must be because of how nervous he was.

Bev stayed quiet, Bill wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not. But after a minute, she finally spoke up.

"Listen Bill, i-"

Bev had began to speak until they saw the door open and Mike standing outside. "Times up."

Bill and Bev gave a glance at each other before they both departed and sat in their seats to join the circle of losers. Bill could see the girl looking over at him, maybe she wanted to talk about it? But Bill didn't know because he refused to give eye contact back. He didn't even give Richie eye contact. He stayed quiet the rest of the game, he was lucky that he didn't get picked.

As the game carried on, it had been going in order. Bev had to do it with Mike, Ben had to do it with Stan, Mike then had to do it with Bill, Stan had to do it with Bev and now it was Eddie's turn. Nothing happened in the closet with them, or so they said.

"Okay, Eddie it's your go," Stan said as he got a hold of Eddie's hand and placed it on the bottle.

"I know it is dickwad," Eddie glared as he took a deep breath and span the bottle. Eddie's eyes would not leave the bottle until it finally stopped and he looked surprised.

It landed on Richie.

Eddie would've refused, he would've felt too claustrophobic. Especially with his mouth. But before he could refuse, Richie had dragged the boy into the closet while closing the door behind them. They just heard the beep which meant that Mike had just started the timer.

"So Eds, whats up," Richie asked in an attempt to break the silence. It worked.

"Nothing, i just don't like tight spaces," the boy mumbled. He heard a slight giggle coming from the boy that sat opposite him, why was he laughing. "What's so fu-"

Before Eddie could finish asking, Richie pounced on him. Eddie was right up in the corner slouching down while Richie was sitting on top of him.

"What are you doing Richie?? Stop!"

"You don't like tight spaces, ay?"

Eddie immediately regretted his words, Richie would always do this to make situations worse. He did it to Stan when he said he didn't like tight spaces as well, he had also done similar things but in different situations.

"Stoppp! I don't like how i can't move properly," Eddie demanded but not too loud that the losers could hear.

"Why? It's funny watching you try. Cmon Eds, you know i'm stronger." He was right, Eddie could not move.

Richie continued to press down on the boys body to make sure he had as little as room as possible to move. Eddie did begin to laugh at this until he felt an unexpected feeling.

Eddie could feel his trousers becoming tighter, something hurting. And then, he realised.

He had a boner.

Eddie screeched at Richie who was still pushing up against him but it was no use. So Eddie just quickly screamed to get the others' attention.

"Stan!!! Beverly!! Guyssss!"

"Why are you calling for them? I'm only joking around Eds," Richie then admitting as he began to pull himself off of Eddie. But as soon as Richie's body was no longer being pressured on his own, Eddie stood up as quick as possible and faced away from a Richie.

"Woah, what's u-" Richie was cut off by Eddie quickly opening the door and running off as quickly as possible. He quickly grabbed his bag and then sprinted past all the losers and up the stairs of Bill's basement. Luckily, no one noticed Eddie's problem.

"Richie, what the fuck did you do," laughed Stan.

"Nothing, i was just messing around and he got all scared."

"He probably still hates you," Stan added but then instantly regretted it. "Not hate you i meant annoyed at you," he corrected.

"Why would be be annoyed at me," Richie questioned as he finally got up and stepped out of the closet and joined the others.

"Everything with Connor, i'm not sure."

This made Richie confused, he knew that Eddie didn't like Connor but why would that a reason for him to act like that now? One second he's fine and then the next, he's not.

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