Part 5

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As much as Renfield enjoyed the more varied work since being employed by the Count; even sitting around in cemeteries doing the crossword, was more interesting than property law. The long evening hours were starting to play havoc with his sleep patterns. And other than hanging about with dead...or soon to be dead people, his social life was currently non-existent.

So, when Count Dracula asked him to book a private meeting room at a London hotel, in Renfield's name, and then insisted his thrall also attend his business meeting. Well Renfield was just excited to get out and meet some new people. Of course, Frank had never expected to see so many familiar faces walk through the door.

First what looked like Dr Helsing but wasn't, then a tall man with long slicked back blonde hair, but it was the final face; the same as the one Frank saw in the mirror each day, that almost caused his heart to stop.


"Do sit down Frank before you strain something." His doppelganger insisted as he hung up his umbrella and overcoat, not even turning to glance in his direction.

Across the room Count Dracula tensed as he was faced with three decidedly undead people. Agatha hadn't been lying after all and Dracula was not sure how he was meant to deal with that fact. That there was a whole undead society, he knew nothing about, and was only now being inducted into; Dracula had lots of questions.

Of his three guests, the long-haired blonde man seemed the most gleeful to meet him, Agatha appeared nervous, and Frank's vampire twin looked almost bored, he had so little expression.

"Agatha won't you introduce your friends?" Dracula asked, breaking the tense silence that had descended. Honestly, he wasn't sure how Renfield wasn't shitting himself, the only mortal in a room filled with apex predators. Perhaps he should consider giving the man a raise?

Nodding Agatha managed a tremulous smile, turning first to the blonde man. "Count Dracula may I introduce Council Elder Baron Gilles de Rais..." and then to Renfield's better dressed clone..."and Mr Mycroft Holmes."

"Gilles de Rais...The Gilles de Rais?" Dracula spluttered in what for him was almost excitement. "Former Marshal of France? Weren't you hanged and then burnt at the stake?"

Beaming at being recognised, Baron de Rais offered Dracula his hand, which Dracula shook gladly.

"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Count. We have heard so much about you over the years, it feels as though we already know you intimately." Gilles offered with a leading smile, his hand lingering in the handshake, a few moments longer than was social convention. "Although I confess, I never expected you to be quite so tall."

If a vampire could blush Dracula would have, flattered by the blatant interest from one of his own boyhood heroes...that matter with the child murders had little to do with the man's military genius, and besides Dracula was hardly one to talk. Of course, if the man had already been turned, that would explain the sheer number of corpses, in such a short space of time, and how he survived being executed.

"And I you, I would enjoy hearing your account of how you lifted the siege of Orleans, if you could spare the time."

"Oh, I am certain I could fit you in... but only if you give me the pleasure...of hearing your own account of beating back the Ottomans." Gilles replied, only for Mycroft to cough less than subtly, and remind his elder why they were really here.

They were not here to flirt and share war stories, but to officially welcome, induct and begin preparing Count Dracula for entry into their society.

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