Part 16

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Of all the ways Agatha Van Helsing had woken up in her life and since her death, she had never been roused from sleep with a mouth on her neck, nor a hand on her breast before. Arching into both touches Agatha sighed, blinking her eyes open in the dully lit room, and turning and smiling down at her unusual alarm clock.

"Good Morning." Agatha croaked, her voice still raspy from sleep.

Dracula merely grinned up at her, before returning to his task, dragging his mouth down her neck, and over the loose T-shirt he had leant her.

"Ok..." Agatha whined. Reluctantly pushing his mouth away. "Baby please I have to go to work."

Huffing as he reluctantly pulled away, Dracula couldn't contain his scowl. Agatha had used that, well that diminutive pet name, and he was far from happy about it.

"Baby?" He scoffed, pulling away from her and doing his best to look stern, even as Agatha gazed up at him sleepily.


"Really baby is the best you could come up with?"

Blinking in confusion and then amusement, Agatha couldn't help but smile when she saw just how offended Dracula looked.

"A baby is an infant child, I am no baby." Dracula added, standing up to further emphasis his point. The loosely tied dressing gown exposing more than a strip of his chest, and Agatha couldn't help but follow the line of exposed skin a rather annoyingly knotted tie that kept anything truly interesting from view.

"Ah you sure, because sometimes you sure do act like one." Agatha couldn't help it, perhaps it was because she was still half asleep, perhaps it was because she found his childish temper tantrum part adorable and part idiotic.

"You know just for that I am going to forbid you from leaving that bed all day." Dracula huffed. "And I am going to take back my t-shirt as well, you can lie there half naked all day." He added with a devilish grin.

"Yes, because that is not childish, or petty at all." Agatha deadpanned, raising an eyebrow when Dracula scowled and sank back to sit on the edge of the bed. "However, if you really hate the pet name, then I will try not to use it again."

"I do and thank you."

"I don't even know where it came from." Agatha admitted, shrugging her shoulders as she resettled herself up against the pillow. "So, do you have a preference for what I should call you?"

"Hmmm, I am anticipating hearing My God a lot from you." Dracula teased as he shifted to sit beside her.

"So not happening."

"You say that now..."

"Pick something else." Agatha suggested, her smile holding just a hint of fang.

"Give me some time to think about it?" Dracula suggested, his gaze dropping to her mouth.

"Ohhh no we do not have..." Agatha began only for her protest to be cut off by a very firm, very insistent pair of lips.

It was slow and deep and everything a good morning kiss should be...unhurried...and Agatha could feel her toes arching in pleasure when Dracula finally pulled away.

"Good Morning." Dracula smiled down at her, tucking her mussed up hair behind her ear.

"Good Morning again." Agatha repeated, unable to contain her own answering smile.

Last night had started well, gone through a rough patch of almost murder, and then had ended on a rather delicious note. Agatha had assumed Dracula would continue to push his luck once they had caught a cab back to his apartment. Yet he had behaved like the perfect gentleman he promised he was. Letting her change in the bathroom, lending her one of his t-shirts to wear to bed, and then merely kissing her and holding her as they fell asleep. It was almost too perfect to be true.

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