Part 14

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Agatha had forgotten just how short this dress was. Tugging on the bottom of the skirt did no good whatsoever, it still showed most of her thigh. Still at least her legs looked good, thanks to a quick slavering of hair removal cream, and then a copious lathering of that body lotion, Agatha had 'liberated' from Dracula's penthouse. Choosing to forgo her beautiful red stiletto's, in favour of something a little more practical for dancing; Agatha selected a silver strappy sandal with a kitten heel, at least she shouldn't fall off those.

Her hair she was keeping simple, there had been no time to get an appointment anywhere, so it was put up in a high pony tail, the ends curled with a curling tong to keep it from looking straggly. Her makeup, well Agatha only knew how to do a basic smokey eye, and so she stuck with that. All in all, she looked passable. Agatha could only hope her efforts, would stop people from staring, and wondering what such a handsome man, was doing with a woman like her.

That was the problem with being a vampire, the enhanced hearing meant you heard all the muttered bitchy comments, and although Agatha could brush them off; well she didn't want anyone pushing their luck where Dracula's temper was concerned. For some reason he thought she was attractive, and with his ego, Agatha could only assume he wouldn't tolerate people disagreeing with him.

The buzz of her phone interrupted just as she was putting on a pair of simple platinum drop earrings.

I'm downstairs...don't keep me waiting or I will come up and get you 😉

On my way

Agatha texted back, picking up a simple black shawl for a wrap, and a silver clutch purse, that she had dug out from the back of her wardrobe.

I am aquiver with expectation...

Well take a cold shower and dial down your expectations

Agatha snarked back earning her a sad face in reply, followed by a crying face, followed by clockface

Choosing not to reply to that and to just meet him downstairs instead. Agatha shoved her phone in her purse and grabbed her house key from the side. Pulling the door shut behind her, she tried to take the stairs with ladylike grace, but the excitement of going on her very first date, meant she rushed a little too much to be truly elegant.

"Ahhh lovely." Dracula greeted her the moment Agatha appeared at the front door. He was leaning against the side of a waiting uber, his all black attire looking effortlessly stylish, even his beard had been tended to, the now sharper lines emphasising his square jaw.

"What do you think?" Dracula asked, lifting and posing his chin like he was a model posing for shots.

"It looks good."


"Does your ego need me to inflate it further?"

"No...but I won't object to you trying it with other parts of me." Dracula retorted with a salacious wink.

Knowing that silence was the only sensible reply to that comment, Agatha smiled as Dracula opened the door for her and offered her his hand to step into the car. The gentlemanly behaviour might only be a veneer, but it was a particularly fine veneer, well-polished at least.

"So, dinner. Tell me, do you have any particular objection to eating out?" Dracula asked as he slipped in though the other door.

Blinking in surprise it took Agatha a moment to realise Dracula wasn't joking. "You are not serious?"

"Well I am not suggesting we cruise the club scene." Dracula replied with a pointed grin. "Although believe me, there is nothing I would enjoy more, than 'hunting down' a fine dinner with you...But I know your...dietary preferences would make that difficult." Dracula added, holding up his hand to stall Agatha's objections.

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